Did the London Marathon get you in the mood for running for charity? The Charities Aid Foundation has published a survey about the boom in charity running - here's what we learned.

1. Nearly 7 million people have run for charity in the last year
4.9 million people raised money for charity through running in 2013, growing to 6.8 million in 2014.

2. 9% of charity runners are from Scotland
Most charity runners are from the south east of England (15%), though just 8% are from Wales. [Pic: Bob Walker]

3. More men run for charity than women
While 52% of runners are men, 48% are women.

4. Men raise more money than women
This year men raised an average of £396 each, compared to women raising an average of £319.

5. Most people raise money for health charities
Medical research is the most popular cause overall (48%), followed by hospitals and hospices (20%) and children and young people (16%).

6. The average age of a charity runner is 42

7. And 54% of people have no interest in running for charity at all