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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

17,000 sign petition demanding university dumps Trump

This news post is over 9 years old

Campaigners and student bodies outraged by Trump's remarks on immigration call for uni to revoke his honorary degree

Nearly 17,000 people have signed a petition demanding Robert Gordon University (RGU) in Aberdeen revokes Donald Trump’s honoury degree following remarks he made about Muslims.

The controversial US property billionaire and reality TV star caused outrage around the world this week when he said Muslims should be banned from entering the United States.

Student unions, anti-racism campaigners and members of the public are now all pressurising the university to drop the award conferred on Trump in 2010 in recognition of his "business acumen and entrepreneurial vision".

The petition, mounted on the 38 Degrees site by Suzanne Kelly, states: “We feel that Donald Trump's unrepentant, persistent verbal attacks on various groups of people based on nationality, religion, race and physical abilities are a huge detriment to RGU.

“Hate speech must not have a place in academia, in politics or on the world stage. We are confident RGU will agree with the petitioners, and act swiftly.”

Hate speech must not have a place in academia, in politics or on the world stage

RGU Islamic Society spokeswoman Ihram Iqbal said: "We support the idea of removing Mr Trump's doctorate - any sort of honorary title given to a person like that should be stripped.

"A leader is supposed to be representative of the people but Mr Trump has shown that he is intolerant, bigoted and Islamophobic."

Former RGU principal Dr David Kennedy handed his own honorary doctorate back in protest at the decision.

An RGU spokeswoman said: "The award was made prior to the appointment of RGU's current principal, who is considering the position.

"Principal Professor von Prondzynski is totally committed to equality of opportunity and to respect for different cultures, values which are an important part of RGU's ethos."

University of Aberdeen rector and Scottish Greens co-convener Maggie Chapman has urged RGU to revoke the award and party leader Patrick Harvie has lodged a motion at Holyrood condemning Trump's comments.

The tycoon is no stranger to outrage and previously called for a wall to be built between the US and Mexico and claimed that many Mexican immigrants were "rapists".

Trump, who was born on the Isle of Lewis, owns a sprawling luxury golf resort in the Menie estate in Aberdeen and has taken over the five star Turnberry Hotel and golf course in Ayrshire.



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Brian Doyle
over 9 years ago
The man is an arrogant loud mouthed idiot
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