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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

20,000 Scots sign up to volunteer

This news post is almost 5 years old

The Scotland Cares campaign has had an incredible response in its first 24 hours

Tens of thousands of people have signed up to help Scotland through the coronavirus pandemic only a day after a new campaign was launched.

More than 21,000 people have signed up to volunteer during the crisi through the new Scotland Cares campaign.

The volunteers offered their support through the Ready Scotland website, which launched on Monday morning. Over 8,000 people have offered to support local public services through the Red Cross and 11,000 more through working with existing charities and groups via Volunteer Scotland.

In addition nearly 2,000 people have used the recruitment portal – also accessible through Ready Scotland - to indicate that they have the relevant skills and qualifications to work in our NHS. This takes the total numbers of students and retired health and social care workers who have expressed an interest to nearly 6,000.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “I want to thank each and every person who has registered an interest in the Scotland Cares campaign – the offer of support at this critical time is invaluable. As well as enabling medical students and former health staff to help the NHS, it also encourages people to help their communities across Scotland.

“The response we have had to this call for applications is indicative I think of a wider point – many people across Scotland are responding to this difficult period by showing a sense of community and solidarity.”

Cabinet secretary for social security and older people Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “The response to the Scotland Cares campaign, which has recorded over 21,000 new volunteers in just one day, has been tremendous.

“This is in addition to the thousands of student and retired health and social care workers who have expressed an interest in or applied for posts to help support the NHS during the coronavirus outbreak.

“Thank you to everyone who has already registered to volunteer or who have signed up to support our NHS. Your support at this critical time is invaluable.”

Do you need help due to Covid-19?Click here to see what assistance is available.

Think you can help?

Those wanting to volunteer to support their communities have three options which are signposted from the Ready Scotland website:

• returning NHS workers will be directed to existing voluntary arrangements in NHS Scotland

• people wishing to offer their support to our public services, including the NHS and local authorities, will be directed to a site co-ordinated by the British Red Cross

• those looking for opportunities with other charities or community groups in their area will be directed to Volunteer Scotland for information

• The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has created a community directory to provide vital support to voluntary groups and the public during the current crisis. The Covid-19 Third Sector Information Hub allows groups to share what non-medical help they can offer to the public and other organisations