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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Activists “shut down” Scotland’s fuel supplies

This news post is about 1 year old

Sites in Grangemouth and Clydebank have been hit by the action.

A campaign group who oppose new oil and gas in Scotland and support work towards a just transition have “shut down” the country’s fuel supplies. 

In the early hours of Wednesday morning activists from the group This Is Rigged halted operations at two oil terminals which supply the majority of Scotland’s petrol: the terminal at Grangemouth, and Nustar terminal in Clydebank. 

This is Rigged are demanding that the Scottish Government vocally oppose all new oil and gas licensing, and create a clear and fully funded plan for a fair transition for Scotland’s oil workers. 

Groups of people are currently occupying pipework and a fuel silo and blockading terminal gates, while another group has immobilised a car park full of tankers at the Grangemouth facility. No fuel can leave the sites while they are occupied.

The action is the first in a sustained series of actions, in which the group has vowed to “shut down the Scottish oil industry”. 

At the terminal in Grangemouth, which provides around 70% of the country’s fuel supply, 4 people have climbed into the pipework of the tanker loading bay, forcing the site to halt operations. 11 people have blockaded the access road to the site, stopping tankers from entering or exiting, while a further 5 have disabled tankers in the site’s storage carpark, rendering the vehicles unusable. 

A further 4 have occupied a fuel silo at the NuStar terminal in Clydebank (which makes up the remainder of Scotland’s petrol supplies), also rendering the site inoperational for the duration.

One of those taking action is Frances Moore, 61, from South Queensferry who said: “I am furious that the powers that be are willing to sacrifice our Earth in exchange for their greed and monetary gain.

“ They'll be dead soonish anyway and won't be able to take their filthy money with them....leaving behind a burnt out and uninhabitable planet.”