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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

ADVERTORIAL: Keeping it in the sector is a win-win for social good

This news post is about 8 years old

Hanover Scotland Housing Association's conference centre is ideal for third sector organisations looking for a smart, ethical and affordable venue

The benefits of building good relationships are well known, but when it happens by accident it can be a real bonus for all involved.

When Hanover Scotland Housing Association opened its conference centre to other organisations in 2005, its aim was to generate extra income from unused office space. Building relationships – whilst admirable – wasn’t a key part of the plan.

More than ten years on, the conference centre is an established operation with a high number of repeat bookers. But there have been extra perks too; both for Hanover and its clients.

Lots of elements go into making our events successful but the environment is key – it needs to be relaxed and adaptable – and good food is essential! - Jess Gildener, Social Enterprise Academy

One regular user is the Social Enterprise Academy (SEA), which provides tailored training and personal development services to networks and organisations across Scotland. Focusing on entrepreneurship, leadership and measuring social impact, its role is to be part of the support system for Scotland’s third sector, enabling it to become stronger and more resilient.

As a charity, Hanover wants the conference centre to be as affordable and attractive to third-sector organisations as possible. SEA has a similar outlook, wanting to keep as much money in the third sector as possible and to increase the public’s exposure to third sector organisations. It aims to only use third sector venues for programmes and, due to Hanover’s adaptability, its returned to the Hanover Conference Centre again and again.

“Our programmes are very flexible”, explained Jess Gildener, SEA’s marketing and communications manager.

“Our tutors respond to what the group needs – whether it’s social entrepreneurs just starting out, managers from established organisations, or people just curious about finding new tools and approaches for their work.

“It’s much more than training. People work in small groups, on their own and altogether – so it’s important that they have the space for different activities and a good atmosphere to think and learn.

“Lots of elements go into making our events successful but the environment is key – it needs to be relaxed and adaptable – and good food is essential!”

There are other benefits too. Hanover needed an organisation that could run management training sessions on specific subjects and SEA was on hand to help. It was through its use of the conference centre that Hanover became aware of what SEA could provide, and its responsive, adaptable approach was one of the main reasons it was chosen to carry out the work.

It’s been a win-win for everyone.

SEA runs a range of programmes that enable organisations to develop enterprising approaches, strong leadership and management and to communicate their impact. It has supported more than 10,000 people and engaged 1900 organisations in learning and development since 2004. For more information, contact Charlotte Lawley on 0131 243 2675 or email [email protected]

Hanover Scotland’s fully accessible conference centre is located close to the centre of Edinburgh. It holds up to 100 people in comfort, provides a range of meeting rooms with all the technology you’d expect, and offers special discounts to third sector organisations. For more information, contact Ben Hallett on 0131 557 7479 or email [email protected]