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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Afghanistan crisis: how to help

This news post is almost 3 years old

As the country grapples with the developing crisis, here are a list of charities, fundraisers and projects asking for your help


Afghanaid is a British humanitarian and development organisation. For close to forty years, its dedicated personnel have worked with millions of deprived and excluded families in some of the poorest and most remote communities in Afghanistan

Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief UK launched an emergency appeal for Afghanistan in response to the mass displacement of civilians following an escalation in the conflict. It hopes to raise at least £1million


Unicef is on the ground reaching vulnerable children and families with essential life-saving supplies

International Rescue Committee

The IRC has worked in Afghanistan through three decades of crisis, providing millions of people with shelter, education, clean water, health support and other aid

Save the Children

By donating to Save the Children’s emergency fund, the charity can respond quickly to emergencies around the world, such as the conflict in Afghanistan, earthquake in Haiti or the ongoing Global Hunger Crisis

Muslim Hands

From providing lifesaving medical treatment to supporting orphans with educations and widows with vocational training, donations to Muslim Hands have been transforming and saving lives in Afghanistan for almost 20 years


As the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan deepens, ActionAid's work to protect the most vulnerable is more urgent than ever


Pen Farthing, a Royal Marine who served in Helmand, has rehomed more than 1,700 animals via his charity in the Afghan capital. He has vowed not to leave until he has evacuated his employees and the cats and dogs his charity has rescued. To do this the charity is looking for donations

Care UK

Donate to help provide shelter, clean water and emergency supplies to vulnerable families in Afghanistan

Afghan Women and Children and Jalala foundation

These organisations have teamed up to protect women and children fighting to survive following decades of war

Enabled Children Initiative

Runs Window of Hope private care home in Kabul, which provides care to Afghan children and youths with disabilities from around the country

Crisis in Afghanistan

This group assists the work of Afghan Learning Academy who have been providing food, shelter, blankets, tents and other first aid essentials to the newly displaced families