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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Anti-fascists vow to stop white pride march in Edinburgh

This news post is almost 8 years old

​Neo-nazi march planned for the same day as Seikh festival

Anti-fascists will gather in Edinburgh this weekend to stop a gathering of far right extremists.

Neo-nazis are planning to gather in the capital for what they have billed as a “white pride world wide day” event on Saturday (25 March).

They plan to meet at 1pm Market Street entrance of Waverley Station and then go to the Covenanters Memorial on the Grassmarket for 1:30pm.

The fascists are calling for “all white nationalists” to join them – but anti-fascists have vowed to prevent them meeting.

The neo-nazi mobilisation is believed to have been organised by members of the tiny Natio0nal Front Scotland.

A spokesperson for Unite Against Fascism said: “It is with disgust that we announce that the poisonous, travelling nazi rump called the National Front intend to come to Edinburgh city centre.

“The National Front is a pale shadow of what it was in the 1970s, when it achieved 100,000s of votes in elections and represented a real threat to black, Asian and other minorities on the streets.

“Because of constant and united work by anti-fascists over the last few decades, this tiny rump of fascists do not represent the threat that it once did.

“However, emboldened by election events in Austria, by nazi Le Pen’s polling in France, by Islamophobic Geert Wilders’ polling in the Netherlands and by the influence of white nationalists in Donald Trump’s team these fascists feel confident they can come to the streets of our multicultural city.

A poster for the neo-nazi rally
A poster for the neo-nazi rally

“Edinburgh has a fine tradition of stopping racists and Nazis. Should the nazi National Front decided to step foot in Edinburgh, we call upon all anti-racists and anti-fascists to take part in the broadest united mobilisation.”

The fascist gathering is planned for the same day as a Sikh religious festival in Edinburgh, which will see hundreds take to the streets in a Nagar Kirtan procession, a traditional display of martial arts, hymns and music.

A statement from Guru Nanak Gurdwara Edinburgh reads: "The Nagar Kirtan will go on a procession of approximately two miles, all within the locality of the Gurdwara. This will take place from 11am-1pm and be approximately three miles away from the city centre, where the white pride demonstration is set to take place around the time we will be finishing.

"We have discussed the issue with the council and the police and recognise they will do their best to ensure the Nagar Kirtan is not disturbed in any way. We would also like to express the great relationship the Edinburgh Sikh community has with our locals.

We do not fear any trouble and we will be holding this event as it was always intended. We encourage anyone of any background to come along and join us to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first Gurdwara in Edinburgh."

City of Edinburgh Council said no permission has been sought for a white pride, but Police Scotland said it is monitoring the situation.

Anti-fascists have been asked to assemble at the Market Street entrance to Waverley train station at 12.45pm.



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almost 8 years ago
What your headline should read is"Bunch of fascists vow to stop march in Edinburgh by another bunch of fascists".
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Nick Lewis
almost 8 years ago
Anti-fascists in general are fine. It's the execrable UAF that get my goat. Videos and my own personal experience shows that they can be as fascist as many they claim to oppose.
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GS Uddin
almost 8 years ago
What the hell happened to whites?? They were a hell of a lot more open in the 1980s with Jackson/McCartney and Ebony & Ivory. Now they're embracing fascism and going backward time. Good luck to the anto-fascists!!
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