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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Anti-stigma partnership aims to tackle mental health discrimination

This news post is over 7 years old

The project by Lanarkshire Recovery Network has received the backing of 500 groups

People and organisations from across Lanarkshire are coming together to tackle mental health discrimination.

Lanarkshire Recovery Network's anti-stigma partnership already includes almost 500 pledges of support from community groups, churches, NHS Lanarkshire, North and South Lanarkshire Councils, health boards, businesses and national anti-stigma organisation See Me.

This week, the partnership has a renewed focus on tackling mental health stigma and discrimination in health and social care settings, to give staff an increased awareness and understanding and to make sure the treatment of people with mental health problems is as good as it can be.

Hairmyres Hospital is leading the way with activities including a number of teaching sessions, guest talks for staff and an information stall.

To finish off the week, on Friday 29 September, staff and patients at the hospital will be joined by other health and social care providers and service users in Lanarkshire for a Walk a Mile event.

Jim Smith, from Stonehouse, has experience difficulties with his mental health through his adult life and is helping out at the event for See Me.

He said: "In my experiences, I have been brushed aside and ended up in intensive care because I wasn't taken seriously because of my mental health.

“There are lots of brilliant staff, but many of them are too stretched when it comes to mental health."

Linda Findlay, associate medical director of the South Lanarkshire Health & Care Partnership, said: "This is the first of its kind in Lanarkshire (and possibly in Scotland), where mental health stigma is being tackled on an acute hospital site through a collaboration between local user and carer organisations, See Me and local health care staff. Together we can make a difference."

Calum Irving, See Me director, said: "We all have mental health and it impacts on every aspect of our lives, including where we live, learn, work and receive care, but when we struggle with our mental health we often face stigma and discrimination.”



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Harold A. Maio
over 7 years ago
----Anti-stigma partnership aims to tackle mental health discrimination.I am for educating people who say there is a stigma, not for repeating them.
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