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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

​Cancer charity smashes its target by £1 million

This news post is about 9 years old

The ​Beatson Cancer Charity has raised £6.5 million in its first two years

A Scottish cancer charity has smashed its fundraising target two years after it launched.

Beatson Cancer Charity planned to raise £5.5 million in its first 24 months but has in fact raised over £6.5m.

The charity, which was set up to raise money to support the treatment, care and wellbeing of cancer patients and their families, has had support from 12,363 donors and 4,961 fundraisers.

Its flagship Off The Beatson Track event, a 6.5 mile family sponsored walk around the west end of Glasgow, has raised over £280,000 with 3,150 participants taking part.

We have had an incredible two years and would like to thank everyone who has been part of our amazing journey

Much of the cash had already been committed to fund a variety of services and projects.

£3.5m has been highlighted to fund additional staff at The Beatson cancer care centre in Glasgow, including 10 clinical nurse specialists covering all the main tumour sites, a haematology nurse practitioner, a consultant radiographer, a research and development radiographer, a radiographer practice educator, a senior information analyst and a librarian.

Its Specialist Health and Work Service, where staff help cancer patients to continue to work during treatment and to return to work post-treatment as well as advocating on their behalf when required, has been awarded £500,000.

The charity has also delivered 14,000 complementary therapies for cancer patients and their families at the Wellbeing Centre, throughout The Beatson and across the west of Scotland at The New Victoria Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and The Lanarkshire Beatson.

David Welch, chief executive of Beatson Cancer Charity, said: “We are continually inspired by the courage and generosity of cancer patients and their families and we are overwhelmed by the public and staff response to the charity.

“We have had an incredible two years and would like to thank everyone who has been part of our amazing journey, helping to make a difference to the lives of so many people affected by cancer.

“Beatson Cancer Charity is prominently positioned at the forefront of the cancer centre and has been embraced and adopted by patients and families as well as by Beatson staff.

“The charity aims to further develop the partnership with NHSGGC and raise the profile of The Beatson as a world leading, internationally renowned cancer centre and together to do all that we can to beat cancer.”