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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Celebrities back Rape Crisis Glasgow fundraiser

This news post is almost 9 years old

Rape Crisis Centre Glasgow says it needs an extra £50,000 to help meet rising demand for its services

Crime writer Denise Mina and pop star Lauren Mayberry have launched a fundraising campaign for Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre.

The campaign is encouraging people to donate £40 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the centre, which works to support women and families affected by rape and sexual assault.

The charity, which has seen demand increases and the past year, now receives 11,000 calls, texts, emails and instant messages for support and advocacy a year. Since January 2016 it has supported over 850 individuals with medium to long-term support.

It hopes the campaign will raise £50,000 to help to continue to meet rising demand.

Newly announced patron of Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre, Lauren Mayberry, the lead singer of Glasgow band Chvrches, said: "In situations like this, so many women and girls feel they don't have anyone to turn to or anyone who could evein begin to understand their experience.

"The statistics on unreported rape and assault speak for themselves. Organisations like Glasgow Rape Crisis provide essential support and advice when it is really needed. I am proud to support Glasgow Rape Crisis and incredibly valuable work they do."

Isobel Kerr, Rape Crisis Glasgow manager, added: "Over the past few years the number of women seeking help has gone up. For example, last year we processed about 5,500 calls through the centre and all these calls were support and advocacy related.

"In order to meet the demand at the moment we need to raise another £50,000 because our waiting lists are getting longer. We have around 50 women sitting waiting to see a worker and they are probably going to have to wait a couple of months at least. It is just unacceptable and not fair."