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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre steps down after review

This news post is 6 months old

The charity’s board published a joint statement with Mridul Wadhwa. 

The CEO of a Rape Crisis charity has stood down following the publication of a review into the charity. 

Mridul Wadhwa resigned in a statement published alongside the board of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) on Thursday. 

An investigation, carried out independently on behalf of Rape Crisis Scotland, said Ms Wadhwa had failed to behave professionally in her role. 

The review, sparked after an employment tribunal found that an ERCC staff member with gender-critical views had been unfairly constructively dismissed, also found the CEO “did not understand the limits of her authority” and the needs of survivors had not been prioritised.

In a statement, the board of directors at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre said: “Mridul Wadhwa and the board have decided that the time is right for a change of leadership in at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC).  

“Mridul has stood down from her role as CEO of ERCC. Recruitment of a new CEO will happen in due course.  

“We are committed to delivering excellence while taking on board the recommendations from the independent review to ensure we place survivors' voices at the heart of our strategy.  

“We are in daily communication with Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS), have met their urgent demands, and are currently implementing the recommendations in the report. We will continue to work alongside RCS to ensure our services not only meet but exceed the National Service Standards.” 



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Trans Positive and Sex Realist
6 months ago

ABOUT TIME TOO!! I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am at this news. Thousands of women and campaigners up and down Scotland will have shouted hooray and fist punched the air. This person (who does not hold a GRC) should NEVER have been given the job in the first place. Any Trustee who supported it should resign and also take a long, hard look at themselves. Edinburgh Rape Crisis should not have put the appointment of this person above the needs of survivors and victims of rape and sexual abuse. Incidentally I hope this person finds suitable employment away from the women's sector, though I anticipate they will receive some sort of 'payoff' to go.

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6 months ago

Disgusting gloating comment. How can you call yourself "trans positive" when you can't even refer to a trans woman as a woman? Use of "this person" and "they" to refer to her when you know full well she is a woman is deliberately degendering and is grossly transphobic. The anti-trans movement in Scotland has been gunning for Wahdwa for years purely because she's transgender, and it's despicable.

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