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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity ice cream launched

This news post is almost 6 years old

A candyfloss and apple flavoured treat has been created by a supermarket to raise funds for a children's cancer charity

A new charity ice cream has been launched.

Supermarket Morrisons has launched a new ice cream to support children and young people with cancer. The sweet treat has been developed with the help of a budding group of taste testers, who have been supported by charity CLIC Sargent.

The winning flavour, Candyfloss and Apple, will be sold across Morrisons stores nationwide to raise £45,000 for the firm’s charity partner. Morrisons has been raising money for CLIC Sargent since 2017, with £7.5 million raised to date.

Backing the launch of the new product is five-year-old Albie Noble. Albie was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in summer 2017 and will continue receiving treatment for the cancer for the next two years. When first diagnosed with the illness, Albie ate nothing but ice cream for a week and has had a soft spot for the sweet treat ever since.

In September 2018, Albie, along with other young people supported by CLIC Sargent, attended an ice cream tasting party at Morrisons head office in Bradford, to mark Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Albie’s mum, Annie James, said: “We loved attending the tasting party at Morrisons, it was great for Albie to be with others facing similar situations, just being able to have fun and to feel normal.

“It was also lovely to chat to other parents, while of course tasting lots of delicious ice cream. Albie and his brother couldn’t get enough of all of the different flavours to choose from!”

Emily Bell, ice cream buyer at Morrisons, said: “We loved being able to hold the ice cream tasting for some of the families CLIC Sargent helps, it was a real party atmosphere and we’re delighted that Albie is such a big fan of the Candyfloss and Apple.

“We wanted to create a fun flavour that the whole family can enjoy, with 15p per each pack supporting young lives facing cancer across the UK.”