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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity launches suite of training materials

This news post is about 5 years old

Scottish Autism has unveiled a new training and consultancy service

A charity has launched a new range of materials which aim to help workers with autism.

Scottish Autism has launched a new training and consultancy service aimed at practitioners, professionals, and those that work with or alongside autistic people.

The new suite of training courses will provide information, advice and guidance on how to develop good practice to support a meaningful understanding of autism. The training will cover core areas including autism awareness, effective communication, understanding of stress and anxiety and promoting happiness and wellbeing.

The training will be supported by a consultancy service, providing bespoke support to businesses who are committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for autistic people. The consultancy service is led by experienced practitioner and project manager Joanna Panese, Scottish Autism’s practice development manager and her team. The team will provide specialist advice, support and best practice and ensure that the voice of autistic people are at the heart of any project.

A number of successful consultancy partnerships have already been developed between Scottish Autism and business partners. These include a two year programme with Barclays to develop an inclusive and accessible environment for autistic employees at its new Glasgow headquarters. This included advising on practical matters such as the type of flooring and materials that support an inclusive environment. A partnership was also established with Beecraigs Festive Forest to create an autism accessible environment for autistic people and their families attending its Christmas-themed attraction in West Lothian.

Scottish Autism deputy chief executive Charlene Tait said: “We have developed our training and consultancy offering to reflect that many organisations and businesses are now committed to building their knowledge and understanding of autism, so they can create a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive culture for autistic employees.

“We want to work with businesses to ensure that there is an on-going sustainable commitment to accessibility for autistic people. Autism is so individual that whilst some broad principles can be applied, for us, it is really about continuous engagement and learning to ensure adaptations are useful and make a meaningful difference to as many autistic people as possible”.

“Many autistic people in Scotland can face barriers to employment. Through our consultancy service we want to support businesses who are committed to inclusive practice and create sustainable employment opportunities for autistic people in Scotland.”