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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity moves base to Edinburgh after 35 years in Ayrshire

This news post is about 3 years old

Centre was no longer suitable in terms of access and facilites

A Veterans’ mental health charity is severing its links with Ayrshire – after an association stretching back 35 years.

Combat Stress has announced it is to move out of its treatment centre at Hollybush House, Ayr.

The organisation says the facility is no longer suitable for them to deliver modern services.

Limited access to public transport to Hollybush House and extensive repairs to the building are also believed to be factors in the decision.

The charity provides specialist treatment and support for veterans from every service and conflict, focusing on those with complex mental health issues.

It is now moving to a new premises in Edinburgh to enable them to continue to treat as many veterans as possible.

Combat Stress will also open a smaller base in Glasgow and operate more than 20 community-based clinics across Scotland.

Jeff Harrison, interim chief executive officer at Combat Stress, today said: “We will be very sad to leave Hollybush House after 35 years.

“We’ve always had incredible support from the people of Ayr, as evidenced by the huge turnouts each year at our annual fete.

“It is Combat Stress’s aim to help as many veterans as possible with military trauma and we can best achieve this by relocating to Edinburgh and Glasgow.

“Not only will it be easier for veterans to access our services because of the better transport links, but by modernising our services veterans will benefit from our specialist, cutting-edge support.”

The exact new location will be announced once negotiations are concluded, with the move taking place in the coming months.

The charity say the Edinburgh site will provide veterans with a more accessible location through its proximity to city centre public transport links, as well as providing a modern, fit-for-purpose venue for the charity to deliver its treatment.

Services will include outpatient and residential treatment, art therapy, occupational therapy and peer support.



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almost 3 years ago

Semi plant based diet, Exercise, No processed foods, sustainable farming, Basic Universal wage would help!

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