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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity pledges £3m for new kids’ hospital

This news post is over 10 years old

Foundation gives millions to help improve children's lives

A charity has pledged nearly £3million towards the development of Edinburgh's new children's hospital.

The Sick Kids Friends Foundation will spend £2.9m installing features such as a virtual aquarium in the waiting area and therapeutic features such as sky ceilings.

It will also work with planners to make rooms and grounds more inviting, including a family drop in centre garden.

This funding will make a significant difference to the look and feel of the new hospital - Susan Goldsmith

The development will be home to the hospital as well as the Department of Clinical Neurosciences and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service at a new site at Little France.

Edinburgh Royal Infirmary will be linked to the six-floor hospital by a separate children and adult A&E department.

David Reith, chair of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation, said: "We’re extremely excited to announce that we can commit such a substantial fund to the re-provision of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh.

"Our plans bring together the needs and feedback of many valuable stakeholders to ensure our support is positioned where it is needed most.

"We’re deeply grateful to all of our donors whose generous support and trust has helped us pledge such a fantastic sum to the new facility. I hope fundraisers will continue to help us raise the funds required to further enhance this marvellous hospital which will care for generations of sick children from across Scotland.”

Susan Goldsmith, from NHS Lothian, said: "On behalf of NHS Lothian and the project team I would like to thank the Sick Kids Friends Foundation for committing this substantial contribution.

"This funding will make a significant difference to the look and feel of the new hospital, enhancing the environment for patients, families, visitors and staff. We will continue to work in partnership with the Sick Kids Friends Foundation as they take forward these exciting proposals in the years ahead."