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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Controversial alternative Pride event planned

This news post is almost 9 years old

​Rival event to Glasgow's Pride planned for this summer say organisers

An alternative Pride event celebrating LGBTI rights will again take place in Glasgow this summer after claims the original event has become commercialised.

Free Pride took place last year as a rival to the original Pride event in the city and will do so again this year on 20 August.

The alternative event attracted global criticism from members of the LGBT community last year for banning drag acts for fear of offending the trans community.

However organisers say that is now behind them and they plan on making this year’s event bigger, better and more inclusive than the original Pride event.

Spokesperson Ellen MacAskill said: "For this year we are looking for performers right now, and everyone is welcome as long as they comply with our safer spaces policy."

She added that she felt Pride had become "very commercialised" and said: "They are not representative of parts of the LGBTQIA community.

"Pride needs to be more inclusive.

"It can be really alienating when there are all these corporations and companies advertising there, they seem to dominate the event.

Pride started as a protest, it should be political

"Pride started as a protest, it should be political.

"We want to build that up again from the grassroots and create a radical alternative for people who are really interested in social issues and community-building."

A spokesman from Pride Glasgow rejected claims their event was not inclusive.

He said: "We do this not only with the yearly festival but through Pride Glasgow Community - an externally funded project that will allow us to further develop the LGBTI community in Glasgow, beginning with a national gathering taking place later this year, and Pride Life Volunteer project which is designed to enhance the lives of our volunteers by providing them with access to support, training and skill development.

He added: "Our annual pride parade is one of the very few left in the UK that remains open to individuals to take part in without the need to be in a float or walking group and this part of the festival is and always will be free for those individuals and for LGBTI community groups and charities.

"We welcome Free Pride as an alternative to our main celebratory festival and their inclusion within our parade and hope that they will focus more of the positive aspects of what they are doing rather than the negative approach taken last year towards our organisation."