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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Critical racial diversity workshop to be held in Edinburgh

This news post is almost 2 years old

Fair Justice System for Scotland are running the event for the fourth time.

A charity advocating for greater racial diversity in Scotland’s justice system has underlined the importance of representation ahead of a flagship event. 

Silence Chihuri, CEO of the Fair Justice System for Scotland (FJSS) Group, is one of a number of high profile individuals set to speak at the charity’s fourth Equalities Workshop. 

The event, to be held next month, will look at how far the legal profession has come in Scotland on representation, and ask what else needs to be done to improve racial diversity in the sector. 

FJSS is a grassroots-led legal charity based in West Lothian, working as a leading voice for justice sector reforms necessary to create greater racial equality and diversity in the Scottish system.

The workshop on June 8 will welcome Government ministers, academics, legal minds and charities to Edinburgh for the discussion. 

This year will see chair of FJSS, Professor Sir Geoff Palmer OBE, Siobhian Brown MSP,  Minister for Victims and Community Safety, and others gather to discuss how to move forward.

Silence Chihuri, CEO of FJSS, said: The vision of FJSS is for a fair and just justice system in Scotland. We are advocating for more racial diversity and inclusion in the justice system in Scotland. 

“When you look at it it is not racially diverse, there’s no inclusion. The ministry of justice, the civil service, there is no representation in appointments at all. The judiciary in Scotland, from the lowest level of courts of Scotland, there’s no black people who are there. 

“When it comes to the justice system and legal profession - even compared to the health profession - there is no racial diversity. It is the worst example of the lack of diversity. That is why FJSS is so important as we are advocating.”



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almost 2 years ago

This is a very welcome development at this point in time. George Floyd and Black Lives Matter managed to raise the level of awareness but more needs to be done

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almost 2 years ago

This is a development that needs to be applauded.

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