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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Fears for homeless Scots this Christmas

This news post is over 9 years old

New report shows number of Scots in temporary accommodation remains static

Scotland’s ambition to eradicate homelessness is under threat as efforts to tackle the problem stagnate, according to a new report.

National homelessness charity Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation have published statistics showing that the number of households in temporary accommodation is remaining in the range of 10-11,000 people at any time.

The report reveals how homeless people are being forced to spend more and more time in temporary housing due to pressure on the supply of affordable homes, rising demand and cuts to benefits.

The introduction of the prevention approach known as housing options created a major opportunity to intervene at an earlier stage and tackle homelessness before people get into crisis says the report, but has caused controversy with some councils using the scheme to deny people their statutory rights.

Charities single out Glasgow as facing “exceptional challenges” from the unusually high numbers of people with complex needs sleeping rough in the city combined with a shortage of temporary accommodation for single men.

Jon Sparkes, chief executive of Crisis, in now calling for a new approach to tackle homelessness.

“The Scottish Government has blazed a trail when it comes to tackling homelessness, but there’s no room for complacency,” he warned.

The threat posed by welfare cuts and benefit sanctions – especially for young people – is very real

“We’re calling for a new cross-departmental strategy to tackle homelessness and strengthen the role of prevention and early intervention, particularly for those affected by changes to the welfare system, and boost support for the hardest to help.

“More needs to be done to support young homeless people, who are at particular risk from welfare cuts, while the proportion of people who are homeless and have complex needs such as mental health problems and substance dependency appears to be growing.

“We also need action to ensure that by the end of the next parliament, no one should live in unsuitable temporary accommodation, particularly B&Bs, for more than 14 days.”

Rough sleeping is experienced by almost 5,000 adults in Scotland each year, with about 660 sleeping rough on a typical night – the vast majority of them men.

And local councils across Scotland have reported that homeless people are spending significantly longer periods in temporary accommodation.

Julia Unwin, chief executive of JRF, welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment to build more affordable homes but faster solutions were needed.

He added: “JRF supports the UK government’s long-term aim of a higher pay economy with lower need for welfare, but reducing benefits before new homes are built and higher wages have the chance to plug the gap will leave many low-income households struggling to make ends meet.”

Lead author of the report, professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick, said: “There is a lot to praise in Scotland when it comes to tackling homelessness. The Scottish Government’s renewed focus on homelessness and health, alongside improved protection and entitlements for young care leavers and the Scottish Welfare Fund are all very positive recent developments.

“But the threat posed by welfare cuts and benefit sanctions – especially for young people – is very real, and risks undoing much of this progress.”