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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Funding initiative returns for fifth outing

This news post is almost 7 years old

Five organisations are set to vie for funding at the latest Stirling Soup

A funding initiative which rewards community groups for their creativity is set to return.

Stirling Soup is back on the menu this weekend, giving five more local projects the chance to win community funding.

Soup 5, will take place on Friday (18 May) at Stirling Rugby Club at 7pm, with entertainment provided by local musician Craig Ferrie.

The concept of Soup is simple. Audience members donate £5 (or more if they can) for a lively evening of food and live music, listen to pitches from small community projects who want to improve life in Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire and vote for their favourite. At the end, the winner takes away all the donations to make their idea a reality.

To date the successful crowd-funding event has raised almost £2500 for local causes and this Friday five more hopefuls will bid for public support. The groups taking part are: Scottish Youth Parliament (Clackmannanshire branch), PLUS Forth Valley, Stirling Speakers Society, Stirling’s first Youth Photography Festival and Contact the Elderly’s Pen Pals project.

Soup organiser Laura Brown said: “We’re back with another great range of causes for people to vote for. We can’t wait to hear from each of the pitchers on the night and learn more about the brilliant work that’s going on in our community to make Forth Valley a better place.

“We’ll also be hearing from our September 2017 Soup winner Square Peg. Indie Flynn will tell us how winning Soup has impacted on their project to support local young people with dyspraxia and dyslexia.”

Tickets for Soup 5 should be reserved online, entry at the door is £5 by donation.