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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Games left volunteers with pride and potential

This news post is about 10 years old

Various studies prove Commonwealth Games changed lives of volunteers

Last summer’s Commonwealth Games left volunteers with an overwhelming sense of pride as well as feeling more connected to Glasgow and greater confidence as individuals.

New research, drawing on a wide range of organisations, measured the impact of the sporting event on communities and businesses.

Findings were gathered from studies undertaken by Strathclyde and Glasgow universities, the city council, Glasgow Centre of Population Health and TNS Consulting, one of the world's largest research organisations.

They looked at the impact of the opening and closing ceremonies, the Clydesiders, Queen's Baton relay and games visitors.

It included data from 500 people who volunteered to take part in the ceremonies at the start and end of the games who responded to an online survey.

The majority of these volunteers found their involvement to be overwhelmingly positive with 88% satisfied with their role and 97% saying they had been proud to have been a ceremony volunteer.

Some 97% said they had been proud to have been a ceremony volunteer

More than 73% of those who responded said they felt more connected with Glasgow and had more pride in the city with 64% saying they felt more confident as individuals.

Another survey of the 50,800 people who volunteered to be Clydesiders resulted in responses from more than 7,700 of them.

Some 89% said they had wanted to volunteer because of the excitement of being involved with the games and all but a handful felt the event would have a positive impact on Glasgow.

Archie Graham, deputy leader of Glasgow City Council, said: "The research studies shows the games have already delivered a significant range of social and economic benefits for the city's communities, people, places and businesses.

"While further benefits are expected, for the legacy to be maximised, it is imperative the momentum, the strong partnerships and the dedication of the staff and volunteers who delivered the best games ever is sustained."