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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Groundbreaking stalking charity boss steps down

This news post is over 2 years old

Ann Moulds helped set up Action Against Stalking after her own terrifying ordeal. 

A chief executive of a stalking charity responsible for changing stalking laws in around 50 countries is standing down from her role after 13 years at the helm. 

Ann Moulds is handing over the reins of Action Against Stalking, leaving the charity following more than a decade of pioneering anti-stalking work. 

Following a horrifying two-year ordeal at the hands of a stalker, Ann campaigned tirelessly for a change in Scottish laws, which led to tougher sentencing being introduced, and the rest of the UK quickly followed. 

The campaign was also instrumental in changing the law in 47 countries around Europe.

Ms Moulds, who runs her own business, leaves the charity with 10 employees, with an annual awareness week now established, alongside a partnership with the University of the West of Scotland dedicated to researching harmful behaviours.

She told the Glasgow Times: “It feels strange, but it is absolutely the right time for me to step down as I feel I have achieved what I set out to achieve.

“We now have sustainable funding in place, which puts the charity on a more secure footing for three years.

“I always said that running a charity was not where my strengths lie. I’m an activist. I am better being out there, meeting people, raising awareness of what we are trying to do and making change happen.”

Ann will remain on the board of Action Against Stalking as a trustee “for the time being”.

She added: “The journey has been incredible. When I first started out, it was an uphill battle to have stalking even recognised as a crime.

“Victims had to have physical harm done to them before anything could be done. The legislation, in which psychological harm and abuse were recognised as a crime, changed everything.

"It triggered the victim-centred approach to dealing with crime, and now the Scottish Government, Police Scotland, Copfs and victim support services have adopted a trauma-informed approach.

“There is still a lack of understanding surrounding stalking. The Government needs to really pull it up the agenda," she added.

"But I’m proud of the fact we changed the whole paradigm surrounding victims in the criminal justice system and that victims voices are now being heard."

Ann will be succeeded in her role by Former Police Scotland chief superintendent Linda Jones. 

Ms Jones told the Glasgow Times: “This role will allow me to continue to support victims, and allow their voices to be heard while raising awareness of stalking generally.

"Action Against Stalking has been recognised as the only specialised stalking charity in Scotland and I look forward to building on the great work which Ann and the team have achieved over the last few years while helping the organisation to further grow and mature.”