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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Helen Mirren and Will Smith join homeless movement

This news post is almost 6 years old

Hollywood stars have joined a Scottish charity's bid to reduce homelessness around the world

Global superstars have joined a Scottish charity’s movement to end homelessness.

Dame Helen Mirren and Hollywood star Will Smith will read bedtime stories at a global sleep-out to support homeless and displaced people.

The World's Big Sleep Out aims to see 50,000 people spending the night outside in their respective cities on 7 December to raise awareness of the issue.

Created by Social Bite, the movement will see simultaneous events taking place in London, New York, Edinburgh, Chicago, New Delhi, Newcastle, Dublin, Belfast, Madrid, Barcelona, Brussels, Cardiff and Santiago.

More than £30 million could be raised by the initiative – which was created after the successful Sleep in the Park events took place in Edinburgh over the last two years.

Smith will read a bedtime story in New York's Times Square while Dame Helen will do the same in Trafalgar Square, London.

She said: "Homelessness on our streets is a real problem in the UK and for many nations throughout the world.

"This coupled with an unprecedented number of refugees being displaced internationally makes this a really important time to focus attention on the issue of global homelessness.

"The World's Big Sleep Out campaign will play an important role in shining the political spotlight on the issues of homelessness and displacement whist raising considerable funds to make a big difference.”

The initiative will be delivered by Social Bite in partnership with the Malala Fund, Unicef USA and the Institute for Global Homelessness.

Littlejohn said: "For one night, in backyards, hometowns and iconic locations across the globe, we will sleep out in unison to create the world's largest display of solidarity with those experiencing homelessness and displacement.

"I would like to encourage people from all walks of life to join the movement, sleep out and raise funds to support those that have no other choice.

"This is a call to city governments, business leaders, students, school children, religious groups and people from all over the world.

"Whether you sleep out in your backyard or Times Square New York, together we can raise a target of 50,000,000 US dollars (£38.4 million) to tackle homelessness and displacement, whilst sending a message to the world's political leaders to ensure that everyone has a safe place to call home."