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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

This news post is almost 4 years old

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Scotland faces a crucial election in May.

There’s lots at stake in the Holyrood poll, which is still scheduled to go ahead as planned, despite the pandemic, not least Scotland’s constitutional future.

The country’s voluntary sector also has a lot of asks of the parties and politicians who will make up out next parliament.

Therefore, TFN has committed to compiling as many voluntary sector manifestos as possible – to provide an easily accessible portal where everyone – from policy makers to parties to the public - can see the breadth of the sector’s activity and demands.

They are presented here in no particular order. If your organisation would like to be included, send a link to your manifesto to TFN editor Graham Martin at

This list will be updated frequently, so make sure you check back.


Among Children In Scotland’s headline asks are that adequate funding is provided to meaningfully implement the UNCRC across public services alongside a suite of policies and actions that will realise children’s rights. The charity also wants to ensure that children and young people have a say in key Scottish Government decision-making processes, including Citizens Assemblies.

Read the full manifesto here.


Keep Scotland Beautiful wants action to allow a green recovery from Covid, a reduction in litter and waste, and the protection and enhancement of our green spaces. It asks for bold action to decarbonise key sectors including buildings, transport, agriculture and tourism during the lifetime of the next parliament so Scotland meet its net-zero ambition.

Read the full manifesto below.


Oxfam Scotland published a paper (Care, climate and Covid-19: building a wellbeing economy for Scotland) on its key policy priorities. it identifies four linked priorities for the Scottish Parliament:  delivering a wellbeing economy built on care, while leaving no-one behind; the better valuing of – and investing in – all forms of care work and those who provide it; caring for our planet by delivering climate justice; and ▪ caring for people in poverty and humanitarian crisis globally.

It can be read here.


This is a charity which supports, informs and empowers children and young people living with learning difficulties. It has produced a "call to all political parties to put neurodiversity at the heart of every manifesto", with three key asks aimed at bettering the elives of neurodivergent children and young people.

Read the manifesto below.


Connect's manifesto sets out its priorities for the next five years as it works to improve parental engagement in children's learning and school lives. This is the key factor in improving children's outcomes and also improves schools and nurseries. It has set out four themes. These are the importance of parents and carers in children’s learning, the important role of parents in improving schools and nurseries, the importance of good relationships between families, schools and nurseries and fairness, kindness and access for all children and young people in our education system.

Read the manifesto here.


Developed not only with input from and mass consultation with young people, but with a specific focus on those groups with are often seldom heard by decision makers, From Scotland’s Young People is a five-year document provides you with a detailed overview of what changes SYP wants to be made. It states: “Now, we need the adults in charge to make meaningful use of these policy recommendations. We need reassurance and action to make sure that our human rights and life opportunities are not at risk.”

Read the manifesto here.


This is billed as a manifesto for change - it demands an enhanced role for the third sector, the implementation of place-based approaches, steps towards the creation of a fairer wellbeing society and the boosting of volunteering and the empowerment of people

Read the manifesto below.


The Gender Pay Gap Manifesto outlines 14 policies that could be adopted over the next parliamentary term to address the gender pay gap and realise fair work for women. In line with the multiple causes of the gender pay gap, the policy priorities cover low pay, skills, and economic development.

Read the manifesto here.


SFHA has produced a manifesto for social and economic recovery. It has key asks across the categories of people, homes, climate change and adapting homes for the future.

Read the manifesto here.


Sight Scotland’s manifesto calls for a new national low vision service to link people with the support they need quickly after they have received a diagnosis of a sight loss condition. The charity is also calling for better access to specialist support for children and young people with visual impairment, action to tackle high levels of unemployment among blind and partially sighted people, more community support and increased provision of information in accessible formats including braille.

Read the manifesto below.


These charities have joined to launch a new call for the Scottish Government to Walk Back Better, ahead of the Holyrood elections. It stresses the importance of walking to physical, mental, and social health, and makes calls for action to provide opportunities and environments for people to walk regularly. In doing so, they say we will move forward from the pandemic to a healthier, cleaner, safer and happier walking nation.

Read the manifesto here.


The national sight loss charity is calling on all political parties to build on the greater social cohesiveness that the coronavirus crisis has engendered. Its manifesto is calling on the next Scottish Government to launch a new campaign to emphasise the importance of regular eye examinations in preventing sight loss and also wants ministers to report annually on the attainment figures for blind and partially sighted school pupils and to train more specialist teachers as a matter of urgency.

Read the manifesto below.


Deafscotland urges all political parties to remember Scotland’s 1 million people affected by deafness in their manifesto commitments as well as how they communicate their content. It says it is essential that party policies and the method of promotion, address the communication poverty that is endemic in Scottish society. 

Read the manifesto below.


The More for Scotland’s Animals campaign aims to raise the profile of animal welfare in Scotland and amongst candidate MSPs. The campaign is being run by ten of the leading animal welfare organisations ahead of the 2021 Scottish elections, and urges candidates to pledge to do more for Scotland’s animals if elected to the Scottish Parliament.  

Find out more here.


The MS Society Scotland's manifesto tackles key issues for the MS community including the failing PIP system, rehab services and support for people with long terms conditions. Among its major demands is the creation of a world-leading, rights based social security system co-produced with people affected by MS.

Read the manifesto here.


MND Scotland has two major calls in its manifesto - it wants to see the creation of a National care Service and a National Accessible Housing Strategy. It says that too often, statutory services which should provide a lifeline to people with MND simply cannot keep up with the speed of deterioration, leaving those affected to struggle on without the help they urgently need.

Read the manifesto here.


Aberlour wants the next administration to use devolved social security powers further to target low-income families by, as a start, doubling the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per child per week. It wants to see a national approach using local government powers to target support, including discretionary financial assistance, to prevent families from falling into poverty and destitution.

Read the full manifesto here.


Scottish Contemporary Art Network (SCAN) promotes the cultural, social and economic value of contemporary art – and those who create it. Artists and cultural organisations have been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic – and SCAN is calling for a commitment to keep our galleries free, and for a stable investment in the cultural sector, and in our nation’s studios and workshops.

Read its manifesto here.


The human rights organisation says that the next Scottish government must ensure that human rights standards and protections across all areas of policy are maintained and strengthened, throughout and beyond the process of the UK leaving the EU. It wants to see human rights protections prioritised and enhanced through incorporation of UN treaties into law to the maximum extent possible within the powers of the Scottish Parliament.

Read its manifesto below.


Community Land Scotland wants to see new powers to control sales of large estates and to break up landowning monopolies. It wants MSPs to legislate for a new Land Reform Act which will give legal powers to Scottish ministers to stop sales of large areas of land, if they are deemed to run counter to the interests of the local community and wider Scottish public.

Read its manifesto here.


BHF Scotland has developed a plan for the next Scottish government to deliver the best possible diagnosis, treatment and care for people with heart disease. It has identified three priority areas: to minimise preventable heart disease and to ensure that everyone with suspected heart disease in Scotland has timely and equitable access to diagnosis, treatment and care that supports them in living well with their condition.

Read its manifesto here.


Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) has published its Blueprint for a healthier Scotland. It provides details of how the Scottish Government could invest in community led approaches to improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities for a very modest ongoing investment. 

Read it below.


Disability Scotland has published its Manifesto for Change. The group says disabled people face inequality and discrimination across all facets of society and the CovidI-19 pandemic has resulted in disabled people becoming even more marginalised. It is asking that all political parties commit to a social model of disability; to protect human rights; inclusive communication; opportunities for employment; support for access panels; equitable social care; accessible transport; access to justice active participation and to support young people.

Access the manifesto here.

MND Scotland

MND Scotland is calling for politicians to introduce a National Care Service for Scotland and a National Accessible Housing Strategy. The charity says services need put in place quickly, yet many people wait too long. It says people need services, such as social care and home adaptations, to help them live their lives safely. 

You can read the manifesto here.


SCIAF has launched its roadmap to urge Scottish party leaders to take the lead for a more human and environmentally aware approach to a post-Covid recovery. It is urging all parties to take heed of the drastically different world in which we now live due to the pandemic and use their political clout to help address the inequalities that exist between the rich and poor as a result of unfair economic models, climate change and now also the coronavirus.

Read the manifesto here.


SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) has launched its manifesto for Scotland’s mental health, calling for the next Scottish Government to take radical action in order to combat a growing mental health crisis in Scotland.  Informed by over 2,500 people across Scotland, many of whom have lived experience of mental health problems, Standing Up for Scotland’s Mental Health sets out 38 actions to make mental health a national priority. 

Read the manifesto here.


The Scottish Community Safety Network's ambition is that Community Safety is valued and integrated across all relevant policy areas. We are committed to working to achieve a fairer and more equal Scotland. There is so much across the Community Safety landscape where we'd like to see focus, investment and change. This document presents our priorities for the next parliamentary term.

Read the manifesto here.


Inclusion Scotland's manifesto sets out what disabled people have told it are the most important issues they face and what needs to be done to make a post Covid-19 Scotland a better place for disabled people. It is informed by the lived experience of disabled people. The next Scottish Parliament can deliver five asks to make a post Covid-19 Scotland better for disabled people.

Find out what they are and read the manifesto here.


RNID works to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. It wants a future Scottish Government to take action on this major public health issue. RNID has three main policy areas that they want addressed: support and care, employment and information for all.

Read the manifesto below.


Glasgow Disability Alliance is calling on Scotland’s political parties to pledge urgent actions in the next Holyrood term, to supercharge disabled people’s voices and tackle widening inequality faced by Scotland’s one million disabled people. Its manifesto calls for actions to embed International Human Rights into Scots’ law, and establish a disability commissioner and Disability Law Centre to uphold them. It also calls for disabled people to have fast-tracked access to vital services cut during Covid; for the creation of a National Care Service built on human rights and accountability; and for swift action to boost income and employment prospects for disabled people

Read the full manifesto here.


CHAS is calling on politicians of all parties to stand alongside the 16,700 families across the country facing the terrifying heartbreak that their child may die young. Its manifesto sets out five calls that it is asking candidates across all political parties to back, including continued sustainable funding for children's hospice care in Scotland over the next five years, a new national plan for palliative care in Scotland that addresses the needs of children and more specialist training for health and social care staff, to meet increasingly complex needs.

Read its manifesto here.


Cycling UK in Scotland has launched its election campaign with the theme of ‘cycling is for everyone’. It is asking supporters to sign a petition to show their agreement with the main asks: invest more money in cycling and active travel; create safe space for people to cycle, walk and wheel; and enable people in rural communities to cycle.

Read the manifesto here.


End of life care must be a priority for the incoming Scottish Government now more than ever, says Marie Curie. It is calling on all political parties to include a plan for a new end of life care strategy in their manifestos for the upcoming Scottish election. By 2040, 95% of all people who die in Scotland may need palliative care by 2040, with over 60,000 people projected to be dying with a terminal condition.

Read its manifesto here.


Sustrans Scotland has launched its manifesto asks. They are for continued funding to enable walking, wheeling and cycling deliver high quality infrastructure; help for local authorities to create towns and cities that put people first; for the linking of communities with a Scotland-wide active travel highway network; support for safe ways to make healthier, cleaner commutes in cities and towns; for streets around our schools to be made safer and healthier; and support for making cycling available to everyone.

Access the manifesto here.

Scotland’s Mental Health Partnership, a coalition of 17 organisations, is calling for a substantial increase in funding across mental health and wellbeing. The coalition is urging the next Scottish Government to invest in an approach that will: Promote better mental health and wellbeing for the whole population; Prevent mental ill-health in communities at highest risk; and Provide an appropriate choice of support, care and treatment for people experiencing severe mental ill health.

Read the manifesto here:


Scotland's youth work sector has launched its manifesto to support youth workers and young people. The sector is calling on all parties at local and national level to act now to protect and invest in vital youth work services to ensure young people do not suffer even further from the negative effects of the pandemic.

The manifesto can be accessed here.


Scottish Mediation has published its manifesto, stating that the scale of the challenge that has been presented by Covid and Brexit has enabled society to demonstrate its capacity for radical change. It states: “Conflict is inevitable. Positive outcomes require us to navigate multiple complex relationships helping people find their 'new place.' Now is the time to highlight mediation as being a key opportunity to support this process.”

Read the manifesto here.


The ALLIANCE has published its Equally Valued manifesto. It focuses on six key themes: recovery and renewal – learn from everyone’s experiences and guarantee no one is left behind; people at the centre – ensure everyone gets the right support, in the right place, at the right time; social care – reform social care as an investment in people, society and the economy; human rights – firmly root Scottish law and people’s experiences in human rights; social security – deliver a progressive and ambitious model of social security and climate change – put people, health and social care at the centre of climate change action.

Read its manifesto here.


Food Train is calling for the creation of a government-funded national shopping service to end the postcode lottery of support for older people across Scotland. The charity, which works to improve food security and tackle malnutrition and social isolation among over-65s by helping them to eat well and live well in their own homes, has made a series of manifesto asks ahead of May’s Scottish Parliament elections.

Read more here.


The Scottish Food Coalition (SFC) is asking all parties to consider the key role that far-reaching reform to the food system and becoming a Good Food Nation would have in securing a more resilient Scottish economy while delivering on their social and environmental priorities. This election briefing outlines the coalition’s vision and headline policy asks for the next parliament. It sets out how effective food policy is fundamental to the delivery of the best possible outcomes for our land, seas, communities and people in Scotland.

Access the manifesto here.


Scotland’s approach to chronic pain must prioritise supporting people with arthritis pain, says Scotland Versus Arthritis, which has published its manifesto. The charity wants to see safe access to joint-replacement surgery for people who need it, so they can live free from pain, increased investment in support for self-management so that people with arthritis and related conditions can manage their pain  and action to address the impact that arthritis pain has on people’s ability to work.

Read the manifesto here.


People Know How has launched a nationwide campaign, Connectivity Now, calling for accessible and affordable connectivity in homes across Scotland to facilitate an end to data poverty. The Connectivity Now manifesto is a call to action for organisations across sectors. It consists of three actions: regulate connectivity; link connectivity to shared spaces; and zero-rate essential service websites

Read the manifesto here.


The Wise Group is calling for a new approach to tackling the monumental economic and civic challenges we face. A strategic reset, with social enterprise playing a key role. It believes social enterprise through, ethics, values and emotional intelligence can bring about a revolutionary repositioning of the societal components that truly underpin Scotland’s recovery.

Read the full manifesto here.


The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) has launched its Manifesto for Race Equality ahead of the May Scottish Parliament elections. CRER is calling on Scotland's political parties to adopt ten commitments into their own manifestos. The charity wants to see everyone in Scotland use their vote to make a difference and to find out what commitments their local candidates and parties are making on race.

Read the full manifesto here.


Mental Health Foundation Scotland is calling for an urgent transformation in the nation’s approach to mental health with a critical shift to population-wide prevention measures. The 14-point manifesto is urging Scotland’s political parties to do more to prevent the root causes of poor mental health. It sets out the actions the next Scottish Government can take to deliver a wellbeing society that addresses both the risk factors for poor mental health (such as poverty) and supports those people who experience distress.  Among the proposals is to follow New Zealand’s example and establish a ‘wellbeing budget’ with radical measures to end poverty, prevent a Covid-19 unemployment crisis and put wellbeing at the heart of tis budgetary decision-making process. 

Read the full manifesto here.


The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow has set out its policy priorities for the next Scottish Parliament. Itis published after a year where the pandemic has placed a huge burden on Scotland’s health services and all who work in them. The college calls upon the next Scottish Government to urgently address the issues outlined in its manifesto which it believes are so pressing, they threaten the future viability of the NHS.

Read the manifesto here.


Scotland’s armed forces children’s charity has launched its first ever manifesto.  It has been shaped by the voices of Armed Forces young people from across Scotland who are asking the Scottish Parliament to consider a number of ways they can better support many unique challenges faced by young people from serving personnel and veteran families, with asks around wellbeing,education and learning.

Read the manifesto here.


In our society we should all have a safe place to call home. It is not right that thousands of us are experiencing homelessness. Homelessness affects your health, your relationships and your future. Crisis is the national charity for homeless people. We help people directly out of homelessness, and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether. Ahead of the Scottish Parliament election, Crisis is urging Scotland’s political parties to commit to bring forward legislation early in the next parliament which strengths the law around homelessness prevention. 

Read the manifesto here.


The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) Policy Forum Manifesto for the Future contains broad asks from the sector in the form of a 2030 blueprint for Scotland.  Developed by SCVO’s elected Policy Forum during 2019/20, this manifesto draws together a range of future-focused recommendations which aim to address some of the most profound social, economic, political and environmental changes in living memory.

Read the manifesto here.


Co-ordinated by Social Enterprise Scotland, the following organisations have come together to invite candidates in the May 2021 Scottish Parliament election to sign up to the #SocialEconomyPledge: Community Resources Network ScotlandCo-operatives UKScottish Community AllianceScottish Federation of Housing AssociationsSCVOSenScotSocial Enterprise Scotland.

View and sign the pledge here.


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the importance of end of life care and the support needed for families and carers throughout this time and into bereavement. But in Scotland, too many people – one in four – are missing out on the care they need at the end of life. Ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections, Hospice UK is calling on all political parties to commit to key priorities in their manifestos to support people in Scotland living with a terminal or life-shortening condition, and to support their families and carers.

Find out more here.


As Scotland looks to recovery post-Covid, it is more important than ever that older people are seen and heard. Many issues that were important before are even more critical now. SOPA’s manifesto sets out six recommendations that it believe should be priorities for the next Scottish Government. It is based on the views of members, the experiences from their organisations working with older people and from SOPA’s outreach and consultation activities.

Read the manifesto here.


The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) have launched a manifesto ahead of the elections. The organisations represent more than 3,000 healthcare professionals and staff from third sector organisations working in sexual and reproductive healthcare in Scotland. The manifesto recommends steps for the next Scottish Government to take to rebuild services and to continue innovation - with the aim to improve sexual and reproductive health across Scotland.

Read the manifesto here.


SURF recently published its 2021 Manifesto for Community Regeneration. its recommendations are centred on the key themes of climate change, land use, transport, and place-based collaboration. It developed this manifesto over the last nine months by drawing on the knowledge, experience and ideas of its diverse, cross-sector network of regeneration practitioners, policy-makers and academics

Read the manifesto here.


The Humanist Society Scotland has published its manifesto, From Scotland’s Humanist Community. After consultation with members, supporters, Young Humanists Scotland  representatives, its board and the wider humanist and secular community in Scotland, it has created a list of five priority areas for Scots who have a non-religious humanist view of life. It says that these changes will help to deliver a Scotland that reflects and respects its predominantly non-religious population, as well as its religious population, and is built on respect for human rights and individual autonomy.

Read the manifesto here.


Citizens Advice Scotland has today launched our manifesto, Empowering people, supporting communities. Among its asks are the writing off of housing and council tax debts built up during the pandemic, reviewing fuel poverty support schemes so they are better targeted and the reform of legal aid.

Find out more here.


Observatory for Sport in Scotland (OSS) manifesto seeks political support for a national conversation on the role of sport in society. The focus is on how we more effectively use sport to improve health and wellbeing, education, community cohesion and the economy, in the way most other European nations now do, and better engage sectors in that. The OSS is not about performance nor elite sport, but focused purely on community sport activity in all shapes and forms - and its belief that sport activity should be available to all ages and abilities. It wants to reverse a 20-year trend of declining participation in sport by people from lower socio-economic backgrounds and for the removal of barriers which have caused this decline.

Read the manifesto here:


Nature is in crisis. Human activity is driving dramatic declines in wildlife and habitats at rates never seen before. The impacts of climate change are also increasing the pace of change. The scale and urgency of what is required to deliver real improvements for people and nature mean we need to see bold ambition from Scotland’s decision makers, as is set out in Scottish Environment Link’s Manifesto For Nature And Climate.

Read the manifesto here:


Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) promotes, supports and defends independent advocacy. It wants independent advocacy to be available to any person in Scotland who needs it, we are therefore calling for improved access to, and robust, strategic provision of independent advocacy and for the Scottish Government to put independent advocacy at the heart of policy making meaning independent advocacy is embedded within the wider human rights framework and new legislation.

Read the manifesto here:


Scottish Wildlife Trust, RSPB Scotland and WWF Scotland have launched a Nature Recovery Plan calling for five areas to be prioritised as part of the country’s green recovery. The three environmental charities say that all political parties in Scotland must help kick start a transformative green recovery and want to see greater investment in nature-based jobs and skills.

Read the plan here:


This manifesto outlines the alliance’s and its members’ key policy priorities for political parties to include in their 2021 Scottish election manifestos. It also presents a vision for the next Scottish Government to make Scotland a leader in sustainable development, through joining up and building upon existing activities, such as the international development programme, commitments to climate-just action and the creation of the National Performance Framework and, crucially, linking its external affairs and domestic agendas more coherently.

Read the manifesto here.


The Community Transport Association has produced a series of policy priorities for the election. These include supporting sustainable funding, for decarbonisation to be prioritised, and for health transport to be championed.

Find out more here:


Stonewall, Equality Network, Scottish Trans and LGBT Youth Scotland have launched the LGBTI Equality Manifesto for the upcoming elections. This sets out priorities for protecting and progressing LGBTI rights in the 2021-26 Scottish Parliament, and the commitments they want to see from the next Scottish Government. It has also been endorsed by LGBT Health and Wellbeing, Time for Inclusive Education, LEAP Sports Scotland and iCON UK. The launch of the manifesto is accompanied by the Scottish LGBTI Equality Pledge which looks to get as many MSPs committed to LGBTI equality in the next Scottish Parliament as possible.

Read the manifesto here.


The charity has produced a manifesto with key asks focus on a new cancer strategy, tackling health inequalities, preventing more cancers by reducing obesity and smoking, delivering a sustainable workforce, and taking action to protect and support medical research in the recovery from Covid-19.

Read the manifesto here.


Barnardo’s Scotland has published its policy calls ahead of the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections, reflecting its priority influencing areas set within our overarching strategic aims of stronger families, safer childhoods and positive futures. It wants political parties to commit to setting out a clear vision for family income in Scotland, and articulate how – within devolved powers – they plan to ensure all families have enough money to live with choice and dignity.

Read the manifesto here.


The Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA) has launched its first-ever manifesto, calling on politicians to support men’s health and wellbeing through Scottish Men’s Sheds.  The association, recommends five key actions for politicians, invested groups and the general public as a whole to support Men’s Sheds and fully recognise the wealth of health and wellbeing benefits for men over the age of 18. SMSA’s vision is that every man in Scotland will, one day, have access to—and the opportunity to attend—their local Men’s Shed if they choose to do so. 

Find out more here.


Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS) has launched a manifesto focusing on effective policies that, by reducing consumption, can save and improve the lives of people in Scotland.  Ahead of the election, AFS is calling on all parties and candidates to commit to taking action to restrict alcohol marketing, mandating nutrition and health information on alcohol labels, addressing the low cost of alcohol, tackling the easy availability of alcohol and providing support that saves lives and promotes recovery.

Read the manifesto here.


The charity’s manifesto Make stroke the priority it needs to be in Scotland lays out what we want politicians to do after the election in May. To support and encourage the next government to continue with the current stroke improvement work and quickly establish a new, progressive stroke service. One in which all patients receive timely access to evidence-based, stroke specialist treatment, rehabilitation and support. 

Find out more here.


Energy Action Scotland has published its manifesto, urging the parties to focus on fuel poverty. Specifically, it calls for actions which it believes are within the control of the Scottish Parliament and which can make a significant and meaningful difference to people’s lives over the course of the new parliamentary term, as well as policies which will drive change over the longer term.

Find out more here.


Walk, Wheel, Cycle, Vote is an umbrella campaign supported by a large number of other campaigns. It is calling on candidates we call on all our candidates in the Holyrood election to sign up to three concrete pledges on accessibility, infrastructure and investment.

Find our more here.


This is a collaborative campaign between Enable Scotland, National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism. It calls on the political parties to commit to a commissioner set up in law to promote and protect the rights of autistic people, people with a learning disability and families so that they get the services and support they need. Follow #OurVoiceOurRights.

Find out more here.


Christian Aid sees the role of governments in tackling poverty as going far beyond providing funds for programmes on the ground, however welcome and vital that may be. Christian Aid is calling for a holistic, all-government view of tackling international poverty. This involves a range of measures on issues such as climate change, education and sustainable economies – brought together by a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill.

Read the manifesto here.


See Me Scotland wants to end mental health stigma and discrimination. To achieve this it has highlighted what it believes are the key priorities for the next Scottish Government. These include tackling stigma and discrimination and addressing the barriers they create must be seen as essential to all action to improve mental health, enabling people who experience mental health problems to live full lives.

Read its policy priorities here.


Multiple charities have come together to develop and promote these campaign manifestos for the forthcoming Holyrood elections. These present collective calls for the political parties to adopt in their own manifestos in order to meet child poverty targets and improve access to social security. The charities are delighted to see increasing support across the political spectrum for the headline call that the Scottish child payment must be at least doubled.

Read the SCORSS manifesto here and the ECP manifesto here.


Macmillan Cancer Support wants to see Recovery and Redesign: An Action Plan for Cancer Services implemented in full, with the workforce that is required in place to support it. The plan commits to implementing the Transforming Cancer Care programme, which is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Read the manifesto below.


BACP’s manifesto addresses Scotland’s recovery from the pandemic, with particular focus on mental health needs and the importance of access to talking therapies for those who need them, with specific emphasis on bereavement support, families and relationships, the drug deaths crisis and workplace mental health.

Read the manifesto below.


While much of the focus of the Holyrood elections is inevitably - and understandably - on domestic policy, Global Justice Now is calling on all parties taking part to also show their commitment to internationalism and policy coherence by including its suggestions in their election manifestos. With the multiple crises of the climate and nature emergencies, the global pandemic and the attacks on multilateralism by the populist right around the world, this is a crucial time to demonstrate an internationalist outlook and to speak up for cooperation and understanding between nations.

Find out more here.


Adoption UK Scotland believes that as a nation, we have both a moral and an economic imperative to ensure that adopted children are provided with high-quality and ongoing support from the day one. It calls on the next Scottish Parliament to invest in a national adoption strategy, ensuring equality of access to adoption services across Scotland.

Read its manifesto here.


The Poverty Alliance says that stemming the rising tide of poverty across Scotland must be the defining issue of the Holyrood election, and calls for all political parties to commit to a range of ambitious and bold actions to boost incomes and reduce costs. The measures include committing to a Minimum Income Guarantee and at least doubling the new Scottish Child Payment, and increasing financial support for unpaid carers and disabled people.

Read the manifesto here.


The pandemic has deepened inequalities in our education system and exposed new barriers to learning. Students have been struggling all year to overcome these barriers and access their education. NUS Scotland and students across the country have secured short-term wins to help alleviate some of the immediate issues and challenges, but NUS says now it is time for a long-term plan to rebuild a fairer and more equal education system that empowers and protects students. To do that, it is asking all political parties to commit to a Student Guarantee for Scotland.

Read the manifesto here.


Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s No Life Half Lived campaign is calling on the political parties to commit to the provision of the charity’s Hospital to Home support services across the whole of Scotland in the next Parliament.  The service bridges the gap between discharge from hospital and return home, supporting people to regain control of their lives and wellbeing, and alleviating the pressures on the NHS through supported self-management.

Read about the campaign here.


Carers Scotland’s manifesto for carers and young carers has been launched. The organisation has a range of areas that it would like to see parties commit to across finance, employability, education, health and wellbeing and support.  The charity is keen to ensure that the needs of carers are front and centre in the recovery and not seen solely as something that can be addressed within social care.

Read the manifesto here.


Ahead of the Scottish parliamentary elections, Co-operatives UK has created a document outlining four national programmes that, if implemented, will deliver a more inclusive and sustainable Scottish economy, while also helping to build a fairer and more just society. It wants to see an entrepreneurs’ scheme aimed at establishing new worker co-ops, a job recovery scheme designed to protect the livelihoods of workers threatened by business sale, restructuring or closure, more support for housing co-operatives to help local communities develop more affordable housing and a boost for community funding via a scheme aimed at making institutional investment in local assets easier.

Find out more here.


Age Scotland’s election asks document Action for Older People focuses on how to help older people be as well as they can be, tackling loneliness and isolation and promoting a positive view of ageing. Key asks include establishing the role of an Older People’s Commissioner for Scotland: reform social care and establish a National Care Service; tackle loneliness and social isolation; end pensioner poverty; and build more accessible, affordable, energy efficient homes suitable for older people.

Read the manifesto here.

The Our Water Manifesto aims to highlight the importance of clean and accessible water supplies in Scotland. The document aims to highlight the importance of taking leadership at COP26, and also references the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mentoring in Scotland: Rebuilding Through Relationships is Scottish Mentoring Network's Call to Scottish Government in 2021 ahead of the upcoming parliamentary term. It outlines what Scottish Mentoring Network is asking from the MSPs, and how they can support mentoring in Scotland to thrive. 

View the manifesto here.


Ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections in May 2021, Victim Support Scotland has launched its manifesto ‘Getting it right for victims of crime’ and is asking candidates from all parties to pledge to support the creation of a justice system that better serves everyone affected by crime in Scotland.  Victim Support Scotland’s manifesto has been shaped the need to respond to the changing nature of crime, and using their 35 years’ worth of experience as Scotland’s leading support organisation for victims and their families. 

View the manifesto here.


The Scottish Mental Health Co-­operative was set up by and for local community-­‐based mental health organisations in 2010 to promote partnership working and collaboration that is based on a shared and common purpose of supporting people, families and unpaid carers affected by mental ill-‐health in Scotland. The manifesto calls for the next Scottish Government to pledge to support mental health as a public health concern.


The Eric Liddell Centre, one of few specialist dementia day care charities in Edinburgh, is calling for the next Scottish Parliament to urgently consider new models for third sector funding. The registered care charity and community hub has set out its policy priorities for the next Scottish Parliament. The manifesto is published after a year where the pandemic has placed a huge burden on Scotland’s health and social care services and all who work in them. The centre’s building has been closed since March 2020 and has now lost £165,000 in room hire and other building related income.

Read the manifesto here.


The Scottish Sports Association has published a vision for a more active Scotland in which everyone is more active, more often. It says that in planning for and realising this vision, equality and inclusion must be at the heart of every action. Therefore, ensuring that every person that may face disadvantage shares the same opportunities to engage in sport and physical activity as everyone else, from recreational participation to competition to volunteering, is central to its vision and to each of the actions outlined in its manifesto.

You can read the manifesto here.



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Maureen Allan
about 4 years ago

Would be good if "someone" could collate the running themes from each manifesto into one document

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