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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Holyrood candidates told: make welfare a priority

This news post is about 9 years old

​Welfare campaigners launch Holyrood manifesto.

New powers should be made to create a fairer welfare system, say campaigners.

The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCOWR) has written to candidates across Scotland, asking them to include this demand in their Holyrood campaigns.

SCOWR was set up in 2006 to highlight the concerns of a diverse coalition of 60 organisations in Scotland about the UK government’s welfare reform proposals.

It has launched its Holyrood 2016 manifesto, which sets out members’ views of how new social security powers could be used to make progress towards a social security system in line with the principles of adequacy, dignity, simplification and investment.

We have a real opportunity to do things differently and improve the lives of many people affected by poverty

Key asks in the document include a call for child benefit to be topped up, to overhaul the assessment process for people claiming disability benefits and to use new tax and spending powers to tackle inequality.

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “SCOWR is made up of over 60 organisations in Scotland, who are committed to tackling poverty and inequality.

“This manifesto reflects our ambitions for the next five years and beyond.

“With new powers coming to Scotland now is the time to think about the type of Scotland we want to live in and how we achieve this.

“We have a real opportunity to do things differently and improve the lives of many people affected by poverty, and we hope that politicians will have the courage to act on our recommendations.”

John Dickie, director of Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, said: “This vision for devolved social security reflects the views of an extraordinarily wide and diverse range of organisations working with tens and thousands of people for whom welfare benefits are critical.

“The challenge is now for all those seeking election to the Scottish Parliament to commit to using newly devolved powers to help realise our shared vision of a social security system that provides decent levels of support that genuinely protects all Scotland’s people from poverty”.

Satwat Rehman, director of One Parent Families Scotland, said: “We know that child poverty imposes long term social costs, with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimating that the annual cost of child poverty is around £25 billion.

“We believe that long term savings should be prioritised over short term costs and that Scotland’s new devolved social security powers should be used to invest in preventing and tackling poverty. This should be seen as not only desirable but also cost effective.”