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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Homes For Good scoops social enterprise award

This news post is over 8 years old

​Awards celebrated the achievements of Scotland's social enterprises

Scotland’s vibrant social enterprise scene was celebrated at an awards ceremony which encapsulated its flair and innovation.

The Scottish Parliament hosted this year’s social enterprise awards, an occasion which highlighted the sector’s on-going growth and success.

Winner of Social Enterprise of the Year was Homes for Good CIC, Social Enterprise Champion was awarded to Claire Carpenter of The Melting Pot and the One to Watch winner was Freedom Bakery CIC.

Social Enterprise Scotland (SES) issued a call for applications at the end of May, urging Scotland’s innovative social enterprises to demonstrate how they’re improving our economy and society.

Social enterprise is about creating a fairer, more sustainable economy and a society that benefits everyone

Susan Aktemel, director of Homes for Good, said: “It’s a real honour to be named Social Enterprise of the Year. I think it’s a real tribute to the hard work and dedication of everyone at Homes for Good.

"We have big ambitions for the future and are looking forward to moving into new premises next year so we can provide even more targeted services to landlords and tenants including the creation of a dedicated tenant information and advice hub.”

Fraser Kelly, chief executive of SES, said: “Social enterprise is about creating a fairer, more sustainable economy and a society that benefits everyone.

“The Social Enterprise Awards Scotland 2016 provide a unique opportunity for social enterprises to gain the public recognition they so rightly deserve. We’re always impressed by the very high standard and variety of applications. Congratulations to our winners and a big thank you to everyone who entered or was shortlisted.”

Ingrid Webb of Cope Ltd, Winners of Social Enterprise of the Year 2015 and one of the judges this year, said: “We were delighted to have been awarded the accolade of Scottish Social Enterprise of the Year in 2015.

“Since then we have enjoyed making new connections and hosting visits from other social enterprises from all over Scotland. The award has raised our profile, brought our team closer together and given us the confidence and ambition to do more. Congratulations to all the winners in 2016.”

Full list of winners below.

Social Enterprise Awards 2016: the winners

SocialEnterprise of the Year – Homes for Good CIC

Scotland's first social enterprise letting agency offering landlords a first class property management service and providing tenants with quality housing options through an approachable and ethical service.

Oneto Watch – Freedom Bakery CIC

The Freedom Bakery is a social enterprise based at HMP Low Moss, near Glasgow, training people in prison in artisan baking with the intention of finding an industry-related career post-release.

SocialImpact Award – Social Enterprise Academy

The Social Enterprise Academy provides local learning opportunities in leadership, enterprise and personal development to help the people and organisations making a difference to have even more impact in their communities.

BuySocial Market Builder Award – Social Investment Scotland (SIS)

SIS is Scotland's biggest provider of financial capital to third sector organisations including charities, social enterprises and community groups. Their mission is to "connect capital with communities".

InspiringYouth Enterprise Award – Edinburgh Student Arts Festival (ESAF)

ESAF is a social enterprise that aims to increase public access to the arts and support emerging artists by running an annual festival, a year-round programme of pop-up events, mentorship schemes and advocacy for its members.

SocialEnterprise Champion – Claire Carpenter of The Melting Pot