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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Huge drop in child cancer

This news post is over 10 years old

​Child cancer drops by one third over the last 10 years

The rate of children dying from cancer in Scotland has dropped by 37 per cent in the last decade according to Cancer Research.

The new figures, released at the start of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, means that around 110 children in Scotland are diagnosed with the disease each year when 10 years ago it was over 150.

The steepest decline is in leukaemia, the most commonly diagnosed children’s cancer, where there has been a drop from around 10 deaths each year to around five.

Much of the success in tackling childhood cancers is due to combining a number of different chemotherapy drugs.

Research to improve imaging and radiotherapy techniques is also playing its part.

Every time I look at Lauren I know how lucky we’ve been - Steven Holland

Lisa Adams, Cancer Research UK spokeswoman for Scotland, said: “It’s so encouraging to see more and more children surviving cancer. We hope the figures released today will inspire people to give what they can - unwanted clothes really can save lives.”

Ten-year-old Lauren Holland endured six months in an isolation ward at Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow after she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia on May 27 2012.

After intensive treatment she has remained cancer free since going in to remission in January 2013.

According to her dad Steven she survived thanks to the advances made in combating the illness.

He said: “Lauren went through six months of hell when she was in isolation.

“Now every time I look at Lauren I know how lucky we’ve been. Lauren is well, would love to have a job working with animals when she grows up and we’re all making new, happy memories now.”



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Tiiu-Imbi Miller
over 10 years ago
This is confusing. Is it talking about numbers dying from cancer, or diagnosed with it? It says there's been a drop of 37% in deaths. Then it says only 110 are now diagnosed with cancer, whereas it was 150 ten years ago. In that case the drop in deaths is due to less illness, and has nothing to do with better treatment. If after all this time treatment hasn't improved maybe we are wasting our money on cancer research charities. I was however under the vague impression that cancer rates were if anything going up, but treatment was much improved, so deaths were nonetheless going down. It does also say that more children are surviving cancer, which would suggest my initial impression is correct. Can the author please clarify which way it really is?
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