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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Hundreds of thousands of calls to suicide support service

This news post is over 5 years old

Samaritans volunteers in Scotland took a call every two minutes last year

Volunteers who offer vital suicide support were contacted more than 249,000 times - or every two minutes - in 2018, new figures reveal.

More than 750 volunteers in Scotland give up their time every month to support Samaritans’ 24-hour listening service which offers emotional support to anyone in crisis or distress across the UK and Republic of Ireland.

In Scotland, volunteers spent more than 60,000 hours last year providing emotional support by phone, email or text; the equivalent of 2,500 days of listening and over £840,000 worth of time.

Samaritans support people in crisis and distress through a free anonymous, and confidential listening service. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the charity offers emotional support to people when they need it most. Some of the top reasons people contact Samaritans include feelings of loneliness or isolation, worries about family or relationships, or problems with physical or mental health. Just under a third of callers expressed suicidal thoughts and feelings.

James Jopling, Executive Director for Samaritans Scotland, said the figures highlight that Samaritans’ services are needed now, more than ever.

He said: “Our volunteers are ordinary people who give up their time to do something extraordinary. Their contribution means Samaritans can be there for people when they need us most, giving callers a space where they can talk openly and honestly about whatever it is they’re struggling with.

“In Scotland our volunteers were contacted more than 249,000 times in the last year and spent the equivalent of 2,500 days responding to people in crisis or distress. These figures show our service is just as relevant and necessary today as it was when Samaritans first began more than six decades ago. But we need more volunteers to keep up with this demand and ensure we can be continuing being there, whenever and wherever we’re needed in the years ahead.”

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey said: “It’s remarkable that volunteers across Scotland have given up more than 60,000 hours of their time to be there for people who are struggling and may not have anyone else they feel they can turn to.

“Services like Samaritans play a vital role in promoting emotional wellbeing and reducing suicide by providing a listening ear, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.”

Samaritans Scotland volunteers also held more than 600 talks and events last year with schools, colleges, youth groups, foodbank, prisons, local services and employers to raise awareness of Samaritans’ service and to promote mental wellbeing in communities across the country.

In June this year, the charity will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first call ever taken in Scotland.

The charity aims to recruit at least 200 new volunteers this year to ensure Samaritans continue to be there for people in crisis and distress and work to reduce suicide in Scotland.



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David Crichton
over 5 years ago
They are a kind service, but covering the problems of inadequate mental health services and used by the media and legal services to offload the problems they cause. They are only a listening service and do not offer any advice even though they usually start by saying "how can we help". There is no evidence they are saving lives, but very difficult to assess. Talking without any advice may make some feel even more hopeless and helpless
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Ramon valenti
over 5 years ago
Hello I've been wanting to volunteer as part of a group for a few years now but couldn't find the correct place to contact .I am extremely interested in helping people who are going through suicidal thoughts and would love to either speak to people in a group like situation or one on one with people suffering. I feel like I could help with showing people how life I'd worth living and could share some experiences me and friends and family have been through. I'm not sure if I'm contacting the correct place if not and you know the right place please pass along details of how to apply thanks ramon
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