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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Greenspace is good for business says corporate Scotland

This news post is about 9 years old

A new survey discovers businesses are committed to improving their environment to boost their bottom line

Almost three quarters of businesses in central Scotland believe urgent action is needed to improve their natural environment.

A survey, carried out on behalf of the Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN), found that 84% of businesses from central Scotland placed an importance on their business having local greenspace.

Despite agreeing with CSGN's view that a business's immediate surroundings can effect how well it does, over half of those surveyed admitted the areas nearest their premises were of average or poor quality.

Businesses know local greenspace can be commercially important and if used effectively can contribute to their bottom line

CSGN is working on a project to transform the central belt, which is home to three fifths of Scotland’s businesses, into a place where the environment adds value to the economy and where enterprise can flourish.

It carried out the survey to find out the views of businesses on natural capital – such as the importance of green space, current issues and what action is needed to be taken.

Three fifths of respondents stated they are interested in making their business more environmentally sustainable and one in four said they were concerned about flooding.

“Our findings demonstrate that businesses know local greenspace can be commercially important and if used effectively can contribute to their bottom line,” said Simon Rennie, chief executive of the CSGN.

“Despite this acknowledgement, many feel they are not making the most of their greenspace and would like to know more and a large proportion are concerned over flooding issues which have become more widespread in recent months.

“We’re encouraging businesses in the central belt to re-examine their green assets and consider adopting green infrastructure approaches.

“As well as benefiting the environment, innovative sustainable practices can help to cut costs, generate new business opportunities and create a competitive advantage, whilst enhancing the quality of life for staff and boosting company reputation.”

The CSGN area stretches from Ayrshire, Inverclyde and Dunbartonshire in the west, to Fife and Lothians in the east, encompassing 19 local authorities across 10,000 sq km.

As the biggest greenspace project of its kind in Europe, the CSGN says it has the potential for 3.5million people to benefit, equating to 70% of Scotland’s population.