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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Majority of Scots in favour of banning “conversion therapy”


New poll commissioned by equalities charity backs move. 

An overwhelming majority of adults in Scotland support a ban on so-called “conversion therapy”, a new poll has found. 

Research by YouGov on behalf of LGBTI+ organisation, Equality Network, and conducted 2nd – 7th of January 2025 found two in three support such a move to stop people seeking to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

66% support a ban on “conversion therapy” related to changing sexual orientation and 67% support a ban on “conversion therapy” related to changing gender identity, the poll shows.  

Respectively, on sexual orientation only 13% were opposed to a ban, and 20% chose ‘I don’t know’, while on gender identity only 12% opposed a ban, with 21% choosing ‘I don't know’.

Support for banning “conversion therapy” for both sexual orientation and gender identity was strong for both women and men, but women were slightly more likely to support a ban on both. 

68% of women support a ban on “conversion therapy” relating to sexual orientation compared to 64% of men, and 69% of women support a ban on “conversion therapy” relating to gender identity compared to 65% of men.

According to the data, parents in Scotland were another group where support was strong for a ban on “conversion therapy.” 

Where a parent had at least one child younger than 18 years old, support was at 62% for a ban related to sexual orientation and at 64% related to gender identity. For parents who had at least one child aged 18 or older these figures were 66% and 67% in support.

Support in Scotland has maintained for a ban on “conversion therapy” relating to changing a person’s sexual orientation (at 66%) compared to YouGov results in 2022 (at 65%). There has been an increase in support for a ban on “conversion therapy” relating to changing a person’s gender identity (a rise from 61% to 67%).

Dr Rebecca Don Kennedy, CEO of Equality Network, said: “We are very happy to see overwhelming support for ending conversion “therapy” in Scotland. We know that these practices, happening across a variety of spaces and in many guises, cause significant mental and physical harm. 

“They also perpetuate the notion that to be LGBTI+ is something that is wrong and that must be ‘fixed’. 

“Scotland must move forward with ending these practices, so that all lesbian, gay, bi, asexual, trans and non-binary people in Scotland can be free to live their lives without fear, shame, or being subject to what, in some cases, amounts to torture. 

“Despite a rise in so-called 'debate' around LGBTI+ people’s lives, it is very positive to see that the general public in Scotland support improving the lives of LGBTI+ people in Scotland and legislation to end conversion practices is one step towards this.”

There is consistent support for a ban on “conversion therapy” across the political spectrum. 

For “conversion therapy” related to sexual orientation and gender identity respectively, support was high amongst people who voted Liberal Democrat (71% and 73%), Labour (71% and 71%), Conservative (67% and 70%), and SNP (62% and 64%) in the 2024 General Election.

The Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee at Scottish Parliament gathered evidence on people’s experiences of “conversion therapy” (also known as conversion practices) in Scotland in 2021.

 They heard from many survivors and produced a report which recommended a ban. Since then, this issue was brought to public consultation. 

The Scottish Government has been considering the consultation data gathered and is expected to announce next steps soon.

Vic Valentine, Manager of Scottish Trans, said: “We all want to live in a Scotland where people feel loved and supported, no matter who they are or who they love. It's really encouraging then to see that the majority of Scots are in favour of ending so-called “conversion therapy”.

“We hope that the Scottish Government will finally move forward with the legislation needed to finally bring an end to these harmful practices in our country.”



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