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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Move to ban wild circus in Scotland applauded

This news post is over 10 years old

Group praises move by MSP to ban wild circus from Aberdeen

A global animal welfare charity has praised efforts by an MSP to ban wild animal circuses coming to Scotland.

MSP Kevin Stewart has been applauded by Animal Defenders International (ADI) for urging the Scottish Government to take action against a traveling circus which uses big cats.

The arrival of lions and tigers from a circus in England to Aberdeenshire – the first wild circus animals to be seen in the country for years – has caused controversy and led to a motion from the Aberdeen MSP.

ADI president Jan Creamer, who is currently leading a mission to rescue big cats and other wild animals from circuses in South America, said: “ADI applauds efforts by Kevin Stewart MSP to ban circuses from using wild animals in Scotland.

“Without action from government, the arrival of big cats in Aberdeenshire could be the first of many, making Scotland a destination for circus suffering that it has not been for years. We can’t let that happen.”

Scotland risks being the destination for England’s wild animal acts

Earlier this year, the government opened a public consultation on the use of wild animals in circuses and Scottish nutritionist, presenter and author Gillian McKeith gave her support for ADI’s call for a ban.

McKeith commented on having seen wild animals in circuses when she was younger: “As I grew up I realised those few moments of entertainment came at a terrible price for the animals.

“Once I was aware of the suffering involved, I vowed never to take my children to a circus with wild animals.”

The results of the consultation have been delayed until the new year, prompting a warning from Jan Creamer that “Scotland risks being the destination for England’s wild animal acts.

“Less than two weeks later, the lions and tigers arrived in Aberdeenshire, prompting Mr Stewart’s motion.”

The big cats have been touring over the last year with one of the two circuses licensed to perform in England with wild animal acts and are set to spend the cold winter months in the north east.

Earlier this year, ADI revealed footage of the animals, which are owned and trained by Thomas Chipperfield and have been performing at Peter Jolly’s Circus, pacing up and down in their cages.



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over 8 years ago
Thank you Scotland!
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