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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

National protest against Trump to take place in Edinburgh on Saturday

This news post is about 8 years old

Human rights, refugee, abortion rights and LGBT campaigners are urging the public to attend a mass demonstration

The biggest Scottish protest so far against Donald Trump is to take place in Edinburgh this weekend.

A national demonstration has been organised by campaign group Scotland Against Trump for those who oppose his policies.

Speakers will include human rights, refugee, abortion rights and LGBT campaigners.

Scotland Against Trump previously organised protests in Scottish cities last month.

At the 30 January protests it was estimated that over 10,000 people in total turned out and the group is now calling on those against the president to unite in the capital’s Meadows park at noon on Saturday.

The demonstration will march from the Meadows down to the Scottish Parliament, passing the US consulate on the way.

Speaking ahead of the demonstration a spokesperson for Scotland Against Trump said Trump had set a course for a turn to fascism.

“In the last week Trump has brought forward a raft of executive orders that will embolden every white nationalist and is preparing to embark on massive voter suppression,” a statement continued.

“In a move akin to the Nazis he has pledged to publicly name all immigrants who have committed a crime on a weekly basis.

“The wall is being built, and the process for banning Muslims entering the US is underway.

“This is a time to fight back. We will stand up and be counted. Trump is the apex of an insurgency of an international far-right. We will resist. We are the majority. We are ready to make our voice heard.

“We are calling for a mass mobilisation to assemble the Meadows. These are not ordinary times. Be on this demonstration and recruit your friends to the resistance.”

Busses have been put on from Glasgow’s George Square to attend and a Facebook page created for others to arrange travel together from further afield.

The list of those already announced to speak includes lawyer Aamer Anwar, ex Dungavel detainee Pinar Aksu, Suki Sangha of the STUC Black Workers Committee and Mary Church of Friends of the Earth Scotland.



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Rose Burn
about 8 years ago
Excellent news! Will we follow this up with a protest about the thousands of executions which take place in China, the multiple attacks on Christians in the Middle East, the FGM seen across Africa, the anti white attacks in Zimbabwe, the political assassinations in Russia, or the EU's barriers to accepting refugees, to name just a few issues to get concerned about?
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