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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Overcoming complexity in leadership

This news post is almost 6 years old

A programme which offers a package of leadership and management development for those in senior leadership has been extended to the third sector

Third sector leaders are being given the chance to boost their skills.

Leading for the Future offers a package of leadership and management development for those in senior leadership roles across health, social care and partner organisations.

The initiative, delivered by NHS Education for Scotland, has been extended to include leaders from the third sector, as part of work to deliver both the Scottish Government’s 2020 Vision for health and social care and wider public services reform.

As part of the contribution to building capacity, Leading for the Future is an innovative package of leadership and management development which has been designed specifically for those in senior leadership positions in health (both clinical and non-clinical), social care and partner public and third sector organisations. It is currently run in partnership across health boards and local authorities in Scotland.

Graham Paxton, principal lead for NHS Education in Scotland, said the training aims to help leaders overcome complex challenges.

He said: “By drawing on public management theory, our intention is to help leaders both to make sense of as well as tackle the kinds of complex challenges they find themselves increasingly facing.

“The approach recognises the diversity of those in leadership roles across health & social care and the wider public services. The richness of the learning will come from your interaction with your peers from across different organisations, different professions and diverse backgrounds.

“In this sense, we recognise that how we lead and work as leaders is changing – and this needs to be reflected in how we learn together and develop ourselves as leaders.”

Those interested in taking part should contact [email protected] for further information document and an application pack. Entries are open until Thursday 30 May.