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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Politicians hear immigration concerns

This news post is almost 5 years old

Staff at Camphill worry that new immigration plans could decimate the charity's workforce

Politicians have heard concerns that a social care charity has over immigration reforms.

Perthshire North MSP, John Swinney, and Perth and North Perthshire MP, Pete Wishart, met with representatives from Camphill Corbenic Community near Dunkeld today (Friday 6 March).

The Perthshire politicians were invited to discuss concerns about the UK Government’s proposals for a new points-based immigration system.

The Camphill Community at Dunkeld provides a home for people with social, emotional, intellectual and learning disabilities and is largely staffed by volunteers from outside of the UK. Camphill workers are hugely concerned that they will not be able to staff these facilities under the proposed UK Government immigration plans.

Speaking after the visit, Swinney said: “Corbenic Camphill Community is a Perthshire institution that has enriched the lives of countless individuals for four decades.

“I am proud to be a long-term supporter of Corbenic, and thankful for the great work they do within my constituency.

“It is disgraceful that an organisation like Corbenic, which has such a positive impact on their local community, is now facing significant uncertainty as a result of Brexit.

“Corbenic’s plight is further evidence that the UK Government’s ill-conceived immigration proposals will hammer Scottish businesses and services. Accordingly, the Tories must rethink their current plans in order to allow Scotland to provide a flexible immigration system that caters to our very specific needs.”

Wishart added: “It was a pleasure to visit the Corbenic Camphill Community and hear their concerns over the proposed points-based immigration system. Organisations like Camphill rely on a number of volunteers who come to the UK to gain valuable work experience and it remains uncertain if they will still be able to do this when the new system becomes law.

“I really value the work that the Camphill Community do, and I am determined to stand up on their behalf to prevent anything which will seriously impact the way that they provide their valuable service.

“It remains my position that powers over immigration should be devolved to colleagues in the Scottish Parliament, but whilst these remain with Westminster, I will continue to challenge the UK Government over their plans.”