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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Project to prevent organised crime extended

This news post is almost 7 years old

An initiative that aims to keep children away gang culture in Glasgow is set to continue

A unique project in Glasgow which aims to keep young people away from gangs is set to continue.

Action for Children’s Serious Organised Crime Early Intervention Service aims to divert young people from involvement in serious organised crime.

The project, delivered in partnership with Police Scotland and Glasgow City Council, works with young people across the city aged between 12 and 18 – and has now been secured for the next three years thanks to grants from the Big Lottery Fund and the council.

A recent review found 71% of young people how have used the service were kept out of secure care for at least six months during involvement with the programme – including a number deemed high risk of entering secure care by the children’s panel. Two-thirds of young people involved in the project have made demonstrable improvements in their offending behaviour.

The same analysis also showed that by diverting high risk young people from secure care, the project represented a saving of over £500,000 for Glasgow City Council.

To date, the project has worked with around 50 young people and has operated in Glasgow since 2012, when Paul Carberry, the charity’s current director for Scotland, was invited to join the Scottish Government’s Serious Organised Crime Taskforce.

Carberry said: “In my work at Action for Children Scotland, I see the impact of serious organised crime – families destroyed by substance abuse, parents indebted to loan sharks and housing schemes controlled by career criminals. It is largely hidden from mainstream society while having a disproportionately high effect on the most disadvantaged, marginalised communities in our country.

“In Glasgow, this service is turning lives around and having a long-term impact on communities across the city. We can all be very proud of this Scottish success story and everyone at Action for Children will work hard to maintain this success going forward.”

Justice secretary Michael Matheson said: “This is a valuable project that is making a real difference to the lives of young people by diverting them from involvement in a range of criminal activity that could have a seriously detrimental effect on the rest of their lives. I am very pleased that the partners have been able to continue funding the project which also allows it to expand its services to support families.

“Serious organised crime is an issue for the whole of Scotland and disproportionately impacts those who are more vulnerable within communities and has a greater presence in areas that are socially and economically disadvantaged.”

"The project has made such a big difference to my life"

Kevin, 15 from the North of Glasgow, who has been supported by the initiative, is one of the young people who has benefited.

“This project has made such a big difference to my life,” he said. “Before I wouldn’t think twice about my actions and I’d keep on getting in trouble and up in front of children’s panels.

“But the guys at the project have been great, they’ve made me realise there’s a different way. I don’t want to offend I just didn’t know there was another way but Action for Children have really helped me find it.

“I now think twice about my actions as I’m tired of getting into trouble. I want to find a job or go to college, not just kick about with the people that kept getting me into bother.”