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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Shockingly, cancer death rates are 74% higher in the most deprived communities than the least deprived in Scotland.  

As a result of public discussions about rising energy costs 38% of adults in Scotland - an estimated 1.7million - feel anxious or worried about being able to pay their energy bills

The report shows that more than half of families with children in Scotland receiving Universal Credit are having their incomes reduced by the DWP to pay off these debts.

This year's publication looks at how to weather the cost of living storm

“As an organisation and as a movement, we have achieved a lot in the last 30 years to combat the injustice of poverty."

The organisation said that they were heartbroken to make the announcement

CoMoUK’s Scotland director Rachael Murphy will chair a discussion on Scotland, shared transport, and net zero.

The organisation has recently been forced to close one of its stores in Glasgow’s Garnethill, and has now said opening hours will be reduced at other sites across Scotland. 

As well as her work in the third sector, Ms Ritch was a regular guest lecturer at GCU and contributor to modules on gender; women work and income; human rights; and public policy.

Beyond impacting nearly one in fifteen people in Pakistan, the floodwaters also devastated livestock in the country and essential infrastructure.