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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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SURF Awards open for applications

This news post is almost 2 years old

This year will mark 25 years of the community regeneration awards.

A prestigious set of national awards have been launched by the Scottish Government, marking community regeneration. 

Details of the 2023 SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration were launched at a special event marking 25 years of the SURF Awards in the Pearce Institute in Govan.

The event, attended by 50 guests, included presentations from longstanding SURF Award Sponsor Creative Scotland, and a Q&A session with previous SURF Award Winners. 

Organisations such as WorkingRite, DRC Youth Project, Glasgow City Council, RIG Arts, Move On and The Tannahill Centre, and Awards partner the Scottish Government Regeneration Unit, formally announced the awards open for applications.

Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning, Joe Fitzpatrick, said: “For 25 years the SURF awards have recognised the best examples of place-based, community-led regeneration across Scotland by showcasing inspiring projects. I am pleased that the Scottish Government continues its longstanding support for the awards which are a vital platform for sharing knowledge and experience of what works in community regeneration.

“The SURF awards recognise projects undertaken by communities and local partners which help to tackle inequalities, deliver an inclusive wellbeing economy and improve the resilience of communities. I’m looking forward to learning more about the projects nominated for this year’s awards and to announcing the winners later in the year.” 

The SURF Awards are delivered each year by SURF, a regeneration forum with over 300 cross-sector member organisations across Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. 

The purpose is to highlight, celebrate and share the achievements of initiatives that address physical, social and economic challenges in communities across Scotland.

This year’s five thematic categories include; Removing Barriers to Employability sponsored by the Institute of Employability Professionals, Creative Regeneration sponsored by Creative Scotland, Community Led Regeneration sponsored by Highlands and Island Enterprise, Improving Scotland’s Places sponsored by Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Architecture & Design Scotland and finally an award for Housing and Regeneration sponsored by the Scottish Procurement Alliance.

The winners of the 2023 Awards will be announced by a leading Scottish Government Minister at a celebratory dinner event on December 7.

Diane Gray, SURF vice chair said: “SURF is really delighted to once again launch the SURF Awards for the 25th year running, offering a fantastic opportunity to share and celebrate work to support communities across Scotland. 

“The SURF Awards recognise what can be achieved when people come together to make a difference, and showcase some of the best work that is currently happening. I hope in this anniversary year lots of people will take the opportunity to share their work with others, and step forward for the recognition it deserves.”