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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Revealed: five reasons why homes remain empty

This news post is almost 9 years old

Fear of being a landlord cited as top reason for homes left unoccupied

Some of the top reasons why privately-owned homes are left empty for long periods of time have been revealed - one year after Scotland’s first empty homes helpline was launched.

Two of the top reasons are the fear of becoming a landlord and the responsibilities it brings, along with waiting for property prices to rise in order to sell.

A lack of motivation or know-how was also often quoted as a reason for leaving homes empty for six months or longer, as well as a lack of insurance to cover the cost of repairing a damaged home.

Some empty home owners admitted they had an emotional attachment to their empty homes and found it hard to let go of them – sometimes for decades on end – because they had grown up there.

One of the more unusual reasons included an owner who did not realise for years that they had inherited a property – worth over £150,000 – after a relative passed away.

The data, compiled from calls made during the first year of the free empty homes helpline, suggests that many of the country’s 27,000 long-term empty homes could be brought back into use with the right advice and support for owners and communities.

The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, which is run by Shelter Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government, operates the free national helpline.

It estimates that long-term private empty homes across Scotland are worth a combined total of £4.5 billion.

One year on from the launch of the empty homes helpline, we have helped hundreds of owners

Since its launch in 2010 the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership has helped councils and others to bring back into use over 1,750 homes across the country.

Kristen Hubert from the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, said: “One year on from the launch of the empty homes helpline, we have helped hundreds of owners to start the process of bringing their properties back into use, either for themselves or others in need of a home.

“Whatever the reason for an empty home – whether it’s because the owner has sentimental attachment to it or they simply don’t have the finances to carry out repair work - we are here to help find solutions.

"While 27,000 long term empty homes lay empty across Scotland there are 150,000 families and individuals on waiting lists for a home. Making use of the existing housing stock makes both social and economic sense and whilst empty homes alone won’t solve Scotland’s housing crisis, they can be part of the solution."

It is estimated that the cost of refurbishing an empty home ranges from £6,000 - £25,000. The average cost of a new build home in Scotland is £100,000.

Kristen Hubert added: “Once reports are received through the helpline from owners themselves or members of the community, an empty homes officer will work with everyone involved to facilitate bringing the property back into use, either through sale, rental or owner occupation.”