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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Sacked CAS chief threatens legal action against charity

This news post is over 8 years old

Margaret Lynch denies allegations over misuse of her credit card and other financial irregularities and is seeking legal advice.

Margaret Lynch

I am innocent of all charges against me. I will not rest until these charges are either disproven or withdrawn - Margaret Lynch

Margaret Lynch

A deposed charity boss has vowed to fight the decision to sack her as chief executive of Citizen's Advice Scotland (CAS).

Margaret Lynch, who took up the role in 2012, was fired last week after an investigation following allegations made by a whistleblower last year.

However, she says she is prepared to take the issue to an employment tribunal in a bid to clear her name.

The investigation by auditors Chiene and Tait accused Lynch of inappropriate use of CAS credit cards and staff expenses. It claimed she used CAS funds to pay for a Christmas party, buy store vouchers to give to staff, and buy alcohol over a two year period.

Lynch was also accused of authorising a £6,000 payment to a local advice service in Dumfries and Galloway after a CAS committee had turned down the application.

Details of the auditors' report, which also included a series of accusations about cash withdrawls on her credit card and the use of consultants, were leaked to a Sunday newspaper this week.

In the conclusions section to the report, the auditors noted there had been a “lack of oversight” of Lynch’s expenses and credit card use, no checks for reasonableness and appropriateness, and a “failure to challenge” her on claims which “clearly” contravene CAS policy.

However, Lynch herself, strongly denies the allegations.

"I am innocent of all charges against me," she said.

"I will not rest until these charges are either disproven or withdrawn. These were not the whistleblower's allegations against me. I am in the process of preparing for my appeal hearing, and then if needs be will pursue this to a tribunal. Then, eventually, the truth will out."

Citizens Advice Scotland is the umbrella body for Scotland's 61 Citizens Advice Bureaux.



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Mary O' the Colonies
over 8 years ago
CAS CEO is sacked. She's seeking legal advice.TFN readers are very restrained. Well done.Satire and irony are dead.
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