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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Save the Children chief announces resignation

This news post is over 9 years old

International aid boss says now is the right time to move on

One of the UK’s highest profile charity leaders has announced his resignation.

Justin Forsyth, chief executive of Save the Children UK, is to leave the charity in February.

In an email to staff, Forsyth made an honest appraisal of his tenure saying that he hadn’t always got everything right and had made the decision with a "mix of pride in what we have achieved and sadness at moving on from one of the best jobs in the world."

His five years in post haven’t always been easy. A former adviser to Tony Blair, Forsyth was embroiled in controversy last year after Save the Children US gave a global legacy award to the former prime minister.

Justin Forsyth
Justin Forsyth

He apologised for the episode but not before the charity suffered weeks of negative media.

Although he has given no reason for his departure, Forsyth said he had been considering the move since the summer and had discussed it with Sir Alan Parker, former chair of Save the Children UK.

"The last few years have not always been easy," Forsyth told Save the Children staff. "What we have achieved is the result of blood, sweat and tears. We have operated under the spotlight with much more intense external scrutiny.

"On a personal note, I know I have not always got everything right. We could have given more priority to some crucial areas and done some things better. You learn a lot in these jobs about yourself and leadership."

In 1995 Forsyth set up Oxfam International in Washington before returning in 1999 as policy and campaigns director.

He was recruited in 2004 to Number 10 by Tony Blair where he led efforts on poverty and climate change, and was one of the driving forces behind the Make Poverty History campaign.

He stayed on under Gordon Brown, becoming his strategic communications and campaigns director before becoming chief executive of Save the Children in September 2010.

Forsyth was one of four charity chief executives called to give evidence to MPs on the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee as part of its continuing inquiry into charity fundraising.



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over 9 years ago
I think someone should investigate this more, did he walk before he was pushed.
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