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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scotland’s young filmmakers recognised as national competition finalists announced

This news post is over 3 years old

The films will be unveiled at an event to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week

Young filmmakers from across Scotland are being recognised in respectme’s national filmmaking competition, which challenged under-18s to create short anti-bullying films.

All finalists are to be celebrated on 15 November at a special virtual premiere event to mark the first day of Anti-Bullying Week 2021 (15-19 November), where winners will be announced.

The Young Filmmaker Competition, a unique partnership with The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s Junior Conservatoire of Film, provided young people with a national platform to share their voices and experiences on film by thinking creatively about the little, or the big things that can help make life better for young people experiencing bullying. The competition launched as part respectme’s, Scotland’s Anti-Bullying Service, latest campaign What Made It Better? which explores approaches that have helped people respond to bullying behaviour.

Young Filmmaking Competition 2021 shortlist:

Primary Group entries;

•             What Made It Better: Elrick Primary School, Westhill, Aberdeenshire

•             Little Badger’s Worries: Entered by Parent (attends Shawlands Primary School, Glasgow)

•             Tell Someone: Underbank Primary School, Crossford, Carluke

Secondary Group entries;

•             Monster (Like Me): Woodmill High School, Dunfermline

•             What Made It Better: Boroughmuir High School, Edinburgh

•             It Stuck with Me: Boroughmuir High School, Edinburgh

Individual Young Filmmaker (Under 18)

•             What Made It Better: Boroughmuir High School, Edinburgh

•             Reach Out: Boroughmuir High School, Edinburgh

•             Do Ask, Do Tell: St Aloysius College, Glasgow

•             It Gets Better: Carluke High School, Carluke

Katie Ferguson, director of respectme, said: “A huge well done to all the schools and young people who submitted films to our competition, and especially to those who made our final shortlist. This competition was about harnessing the power of creativity and film to bring young people’s experiences and voices to life on the big screen. Their films have conveyed positive messages of hope and demonstrated strategies that have made things better for those being bullied. We can’t wait to announce our winners and start sharing these fantastic films to prompt discussion among young people right across the country.

“I want to thank everyone who entered our competition; from the adults and schools who supported young people to take part, the young people themselves for their exceptional filmmaking ideas and hard work, and the parents and carers who supported young people at home to enter. We look forward to celebrating the work of all our finalists and winners as part of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week events and activities.”

Yvonne Kennedy, of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, added: “We have been delighted to be involved in this project and it was a pleasure to watch each of the films submitted under the three categories. Well done to every young person, school and adult who were involved in the creation of these short films. You have all done an excellent job of showing ‘What Made It Better’ for you.”

The winning three minute films will be screened on respectme’s social media channels during Anti-Bullying Week and will go on to become part of education resources designed to help spark new conversations about bullying in schools across Scotland. The films will also be screened in schools and youth settings during a respectme roadshow next year. The films will help young people to feel empowered to seek support, or encourage young people to be kinder to each other by challenging perceptions of bullying.

The Young Filmmaker Competition featured three entry categories: Primary age group (P4-P7), Secondary aged group (under 18), Secondary age individual (under 18). Each group category winner will be awarded a unique filmmaker masterclass experience delivered by Scotland’s Junior Conservatoire of Film and the Secondary age individual winner will win a place on the Junior Conservatoire of Film programme (term 2022/2023, winner will enter level 1).