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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Shelter hackathon brings digital skills to bear on housing crisis

This news post is about 8 years old

Computer coders, designers and housing professionals are coming together in a hackathon to find innovative solutions to Scotland’s most acute housing problems.

The weekend-long event has been organized by Shelter Scotland in a bid to explore fresh avenues that could help tackle homelessness and poor-quality housing.

Teams will be tasked with designing “digital solutions to real world problems”, with a panel of local tech leaders judging entries at the end of the weekend.

Conrad Rossouw, digital manager at Shelter Scotland, said: “This is going to be a really exciting weekend and we are all looking forward to seeing what the teams can come up with.

People who’ve experienced bad housing or homelessness are especially welcome as your voice is fundamental to understanding the issues faced.

“From products which help private renters and landlords understand their rights and responsibilities to help for people who are digitally excluded as more welfare resources are moved online – including the roll-out of Universal Credit, we’re hoping for some innovative solutions to these very real issues.

“Other possible outcomes could be a solution to help us discover and understand more about the level of hidden homelessness - people who don’t have a home of their own but rely on support from friends and family members – or ways of reaching people who are spending night after night rough sleeping.”

The hackathon is taking place at Product Forge in Edinburgh from Friday 29 to Sunday 31 July.

Anyone with digital skills or knowledge of the housing sector is invited to attend.

Mr Roussow added: “Anyone wishing to contribute during the weekend please bring along your laptop or just your ideas and we’ll supply you with everything you need to keep you going over the weekend.

“Whether you’re a developer, designer, entrepreneur, student or just interested in tech or housing, you’re invited to attend.

“People who’ve experienced bad housing or homelessness are especially welcome as your voice is fundamental to understanding the issues faced and, therefore, finding an effective solution.”

The event will be streamed live and use the hashtag #ShelterScotPF.

Information on getting involved can be found on the Shelter Scotland website.