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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Sir Alex boosts club’s fundraising drive

This news post is about 10 years old

​Sir Alex returns to the Glasgow club he once played for

Football legend Sir Alex Ferguson is to return to his native Govan to raise funds for an amateur sports club close to his heart.

The former Manchester United boss – arguably the game’s most successful manager of all time - is to host a special evening in Glasgow on 23 April to raise funds and celebrate the centenary of Harmony Row Youth Club.

Ferguson’s interest in football was first nurtured at the Harmony Row Boys Club in his home town of Govan in the 1950s.

Later known as Harmony Row Youth Club, the organisation which encourages boys and girls into team sports of football and netball, is still going strong. It reaches its centenary in 2015 and charity

Patron, Sir Alex Ferguson, is back in Glasgow to raise funds to upgrade existing facilities.

Sir Alex said: “I can’t stress enough how important the foundation given to me by Harmony Row has been and I have never forgotten my time there. But it’s time for Harmony Row to have better facilities for the 21st century and I’ll be doing all I can to make sure we raise the necessary money.

“Those of you who love football and who care about the youth of Glasgow can help by providing sponsorship, or just by coming along to join us for a great night.”

Harmony Row Youth Club has already raised a whopping £1.6 million to provide pitches at its current location near Braehead Shopping Centre but the kids currently change in temporary huts and the charity needs a further £650,000 to build changing rooms for the teams.

Chair of the charity Agnes Nisbet said: “Having a figurehead like Sir Alex makes all our kids proud and we’re delighted he has found the time to help us.

“I’m certain it will be a unique night and hope the city will get behind not only one of its most famous sons, but the sporting youth of today who work so hard to improve their skills and fitness through the support of our coaches and great volunteers.”