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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

TFN's August magazine is out now - read it here!

This news post is 8 months old

Crytpo fundraising, aid and asylum, defunding the NHS and much more

Welcome to TFN’s August edition – which you can read in full here.

In a thought-provoking magazine, we look at a diverse range of topics – from defunding the NHS to the use of cryptocurrencies as a donation platform, from Asylum and aid to a detailed analysis of what the recent King’s Speech to Parliament means for the sector.

Charities cite fear of the unknown and excitement in equal measure when it comes to the potential of cryptocurrencies. Yet more and more and turning to crypto as a new way of giving. Once seen as inherently unstable,  Robert Armour looks at the pros and cons of using these currencies and the experiences of organisations who continue to do so.

As sporadic violence breaks out in England and Northern Ireland, fuelled by the far right, Niall Christie writes a timely piece on asylum and aid. With the election of a new government, there have been hopes of a more progressive policy on these interlinked issues– but how likely is meaningful change?

Defunding the NHS might not be a hot topic but it is one that is being debated more in the social care sector. Andrew Thomson, deputy chief executive of social care and community development charity Carr Gomm, debates how a whole-system solution is needed if Scotland is to support more people to live their best lives in their own home.

And Seth Farsides, policy and research officer at the Sheila McKechnie Foundation, analyses key pieces of new legislation which either originated or were shaped by the tireless efforts of campaigners and activists in the recent King’s Speech.

Add to that TFN's usual excellent columnists, regular features and news stories.

And don’t forget - if you work for a member or supporter organisation, why not set up an account so you can access members only content such as the full archive, TFN app and exclusive content.