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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

TFN magazine's September edition is out now - read it all here!

This news post is 7 months old

Packed mag looks at austerity, funding and much, much more

Welcome to TFN’s September edition – which you can read in full here.

In a packed magazine, we take a look at a range of issues which really get to the heart of what the voluntary sector is, and what we do.

In contrast to the optimism felt by many after the summer’s general election, the mood music recently has been about cuts, a new austerity and warnings that things are not going to get better any time soon.

That leaves charities in a vulnerable, if sickeningly familiar position: we’re on the frontline, austerity can only increase demand, but that brings with it rising costs on top of the old problem of dwindling and insecure funding arrangements.

We look at this in this month’s magazine. Niall Christie examines the sector’s role of speaking for those who are voiceless, or helping to amplify their voices. We are not just on the frontline: we are increasingly the last line of defence.

In a similar vein, we look at the impact this year’s Programme for Government has had, and reflect that the sector has found it seriously wanting. On funding, we look ahead to the publication in November of a Scottish Government review into funding arrangements.

Meanwhile, Kirsten Hogg takes up some points made in the August magazine about the relationship between the sectors, particularly the need to value our work and our workforce.

The sector as a literal lifeline is also exemplified in Robert Armour’s look at the pressures on mental health and suicide charities. To coincide with World Suicide Prevention Day, we also have an article on the importance of peer working.

We also look at the issue of legacy funding, to tie in with Remember A Charity Week, and the importance of using data strategically and in our every day work.

Add to that TFN's usual excellent columnists and you have a weighty September read.

And don’t forget - if you work for a member or supporter organisation, why not set up an account so you can access members only content such as the full archive, TFN app and exclusive content.

Read the magazine here.



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6 months ago

So kind as a human and a god too

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