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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

UK only taking in a quarter of refugees it should be

This news post is over 9 years old

Oxfam says Britain isn’t doing its fair share when it comes to resettling Syrian refugees

Oxfam has blasted the UK government for failing to take in its fair share of Syrian refugees.

The aid agency says Prime Minister David Cameron's promise to resettle up to 20,000 vulnerable Syrians by 2020 falls short and is "a dereliction of duty". It claims Britain should be taking in 21,295 refugees by the end of next year.

Carrying out its own research, Oxfam’s Solidarity With Syrians report claims that currently the UK is only on track to offer refuge to just 5,571 people over this timescale – equivalent to just a quarter of its fair share.

Britain is taking just one in four of its fair share of Syrian refugees. For a rich and powerful country to fall so far short is a dereliction of duty

However, while the analysis suggest the number of refugee places falls short of the mark, it highlighted that the UK has pledged more than double its fair share of financial assistance.

British aid commitments up to 29 September 2015 stand at £448m – representing 229% of its fair share of £196m.

Penny Lawrence, Oxfam GB deputy chief executive, said: "Britain is taking just one in four of its fair share of Syrian refugees. For a rich and powerful country to fall so far short is a dereliction of duty.

"The British government should be congratulated for stepping up to the plate with financial aid where so many countries have not. If only it showed the same compassion in resettling vulnerable refugees.

“More than four million Syrians have fled unimaginable violence for the hope of a better future. Rich countries like the UK have an obligation to offer refuge to the most vulnerable, but many are choosing to turn a blind eye.

"As the violence in Syria intensifies, and with no peace process in sight, many Syrians are making dangerous choices to seek a better future."

Britain did not fare as badly as some other countries in the report, with Russia failing to resettle any Syrians at all and paying just 1% of its fair share of aid.

To work out what a country’s fair share of financial aid and resettling assistance should be Oxfam performed a comparitive calculation based on the size of each country's economy.

France has agreed to resettle just 5% of its quota and has pledged 22% of its share of aid.

By comparison, Jordan is estimated to have spent £574m a year in relation to the Syria refugee crisis, representing 5,622% of its share.

Germany and Norway were the laudable exceptions in the report as they give 75% and 186% of their fair share of aid, and have agreed to resettle 112% and 293% of their quota of refugees respectively.

Oxfam is calling for 10% of refugees registered in countries neighbouring Syria to be resettled in rich countries by the end of 2016.