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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Union urges Enable staff to reject 10p-an-hour pay increase

This news post is over 5 years old

Charity is not listening to staff says union

A trade union is urging members to reject a 10p an hour pay increase for Enable Scotland care workers.

Unison is balloting staff at the care charity on its latest pay offer of £9.10 per hour, offered only to personal assistants.

The union is calling on members to reject the offer saying there is no proposal of a pay increase to the rest of Enable’s staff nor will the new rate won’t be paid to sleepover staff.

The first offer was rejected by 82% with Unison reps saying they are disappointed that the charity’s management is not listening to staff.

Deborah Clarke, Unison regional organiser for community and voluntary sector, said: “We are balloting all Unison members working for Enable Scotland and we will recommend they reject this latest offer.

“We are disappointed that Enable is not listening to staff and making sure that all staff receive a fair and affordable pay rise. It is not right that only personal assistants receive an increase but the rest of the staff do not.

“All staff make a very valuable contribution to the success of the organisation and the quality care of some of the most vulnerable people in Scotland.

“Unison members should be reassured that we will continue to put pressure on Enable Scotland to address all pay concerns. We need to send a strong message to Enable to get back around the table. If they do not, we may have to consider moving towards industrial action.”

An Enable Scotland spokesperson said: “We continue to work with our recognised trade union Unison to achieve a fair pay deal for our staff. We look forward to continuing the negotiations to reach a positive outcome.”

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over 5 years ago
What happened to care staff receiving the Living Wage? £9.30 per hour for the people who support the most vulnerable in our society is a start, not an aim to fall well short of.
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over 5 years ago
Nothing says we value you like being told by two £100,000 CEO’s that we have no money to meet the Scottish Living Wage
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Perk Steelmeyer
over 5 years ago
Wonder how much their Chief Executive will get in a rise - more than 10p an hour I would wager.Also - does she get a performance related bonus?
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Theresa T
over 5 years ago
More fake news from one of Enable’s two Chief Executives who, from the latest filing at companies house is paid over £120 K. Thats £66 an hour. How much of that is spent on social media and awards ceremonies?“At ENABLE Scotland, we believe an hour at work is an hour at work, and it is our ambition to pay all frontline staff the Living Wage for EVERY hour of work.”Theresa Shearer, The Scotsman 2017“Quite simply, we are forming the Piper Group because it is the right thing to do in order to put resource where it is needed – at our frontline for the benefit of the people we support.”Theresa Shearer, TFN 2018
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Keen observer
over 5 years ago
Coincidence or deliberate product placement that there is an advert for ‘Leadership In Board Governance’ in the middle of this article. Although a horrendous leadership culture exists in Enable the Board seems ignore their responsibilities to the workforce and ultimately the beneficiaries.
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Robert Gordon
about 5 years ago
Enable leadership has lost sight of the purpose of the charity instead pursuing an expansion strategy that has failed miserably with the collapse of the Piper Group, the only group member running for the hills once it got an insight into Enables culture. Time to refocus on supporting staff to deliver amazing support, they already do that daily.
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