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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Who Cares? Scotland chair to step down

This news post is almost 2 years old

Ryan McCuaig will leave the charity after four years.

An independent membership charity for care experienced people has announced that its chair is to step down after four years at the head of its board. 

Ryan McCuaig will leave the post at the end of June to allow him to focus on his legal career. 

Ryan, a construction disputes solicitor at a large commercial law firm, joined the Who Cares? Scotland board more than four years ago, as a care experienced member of the organisation. 

In the years since he has provided tremendous scrutiny, guidance and support in ensuring the organisation delivers all of its work to the highest possible standard, in pursuit of its vision of a ‘lifetime of equality, respect and love for Care Experienced people’. 

CEO of Who Cares? Scotland, Louise Hunter, said: “Ryan has made a significant contribution to the leadership and stability of our organisation, giving hundreds of hours over the years in support of Who Cares? Scotland. 

“He regularly joins us at our national events, influencing moments and fundraising opportunities – from marching in the Love Rally to meeting political leaders to demand positive change to the care system.  

“But a great deal of Ryan’s time has also been concentrated behind the scenes, reviewing hundreds of reports and budgets, and chairing lengthy meetings, to ensure that Who Cares? Scotland is delivering its work at the highest possible standards. 

“Much of this work goes unseen by most, but I can’t overstate how important his contribution as Chair has been. He’s brought legal expertise and an eye for detail – but more importantly, he’s brought passion and an unwavering commitment to our vision. 

“On a personal level, I will miss his guidance and insight very much, but at the same time, I also recognise that Ryan occupies a very demanding day job as a lawyer, which he now needs to give more of his time to. 

“We have been incredibly lucky to have such a fantastic chair for four years, and I know I speak for everyone when I thank Ryan for his years of service.” 

Ryan’s tenure came during a truly significant era for the care experienced community. 

He took up the role of chair in 2019, when the Independent Care Review was still underway, following campaigning by the members of Who Cares? Scotland. 

He was chair throughout the Covid-19 pandemic during which the charity launched a new National Advocacy Helpline for care experienced people of all ages; recruited CEO Louise Hunter; completed a re-brand, and relocated its National Office. 

Most recently, he supported the organisation as it developed its new strategic plan “Our Community, Our Voice, Our Future”, and launched a major fundraising partnership with the John Lewis Partnership.  

Ryan said:  “It was a difficult decision to stand down as Chair, because Who Cares? Scotland means so much to me. However, I do so knowing that the organisation is in a fantastic position, with strong leadership, an excellent board who will continue to provide robust governance, and a brilliant team of staff supporting Care Experienced people across the country.  

“I will continue to be a proud Care Experienced member of Who Cares? Scotland, and a passionate advocate for a lifetime of equality, respect and love for Care Experienced people. I want to thank the board members whom I have served alongside, our staff and our members who have been a brilliant source support over the past four years.  

“I look forward to joining you all at one of the many exciting events which Who Cares? Scotland hosts every year.” 

From the end of June the role of chair will be held on an interim basis by Sarah Blackmore - who currently serves as our care experienced vice chair - before a process begins to appoint a new care experienced chair of the board.