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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Working from home with kids – coping with the pressure

This news post is almost 5 years old

Ten tips on how to survive

As more of us turn to self-isolation, the burden of work and home schooling is becoming a scary reality. We explore some coping strategies to help home workers cope with what might be the most challenging period of life so far.

In Norway parents have been told to home school their kids for two months. They have a set workload to teach and submissions must be submitted each day at 2pm. It might not come to that, but how do you even begin to cope with work pressure and home-schooling deadlines like that?

Working from home is tough. Home schooling is very tough. So, if you must combine the two for a long period of time, how are you going to cope?

You are going to have to plan well, get organised and work to a strict timetable if you want to get everything done. Equally, you’ll need to have a proper split between work, school, fun and rest.

Start at same time each day: routine is important for good sleep and mental health, for both you and your kids. School starts at a set time, so make sure you are ready and stick to the timetable.

Dress properly like teacher and student: getting showered and dressed is important to divide sleep and school.

Create spaces for different activities: you might set up a teaching room (kitchen), quiet room (spare bedroom) and a play area (living room)

Structure your day like a school day: teaching time, activity time, play time and lunch time – just like their normal school routine

Make a plan with your kids: at the start of the day ask them what they want to do (within reason) so they feel involved

Turn off your phone: how are your kids meant to feel involved if you are checking emails?

Set aside time for breaks: use these times to schedule work emails or calls

Take exercise: depending on where you live, if you have a garden or not – try and get some fresh air, this also allows you some headspace

Finish at set time, bedtime at set time: by getting a routine drilled in early on, you can try and get the kids to sleep at a sensible time, thereby giving yourself some space to work if you need to

Don't be tempted to hit the bottle: if you can, evening time will be the only real time you can realistically work. If you drink your concentration will be poor, sleep poor and you’ll wake in a grumpy mood. Try and keep drinking to a minimum.