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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Young disabled people voice their vision for an inclusive Scotland

This news post is about 6 years old

Inclusion Scotland is launching the #OurInclusiveScotland campaign

2018 is the Year of Young People in Scotland – but is life for young disabled people getting better?

Ahead of an event for young disabled people on 7 December in Glasgow, Inclusion Scotland is launching the #OurInclusiveScotland campaign to document the reality of being a young disabled person.

Those aged 16-30 are being invited to share their stories on social media about everyday barriers that still disable them, but also to share their ideas for what would make Scotland a more inclusive place to grow up.

Heather Fisken, policy manager at Independent Living in Scotland, part of Inclusion Scotland, explains: “We know from our work with young disabled people to design the event in December that too many are not living the lives they choose.

“From facing negative attitudes from others, experiencing hate crime, struggling to get the right care and support, feeling socially isolated, facing difficulties travelling via public transport, or getting into and on at work, young disabled people in Scotland face everyday barriers that stop them from feeling included and valued in Scottish society.

“When stacked on top of the issues facing all young people generally in Scotland – unstable work, worries about identity, issues around sex and relationships, student debt, rising rents – we want to know if everyday discrimination and inequality persists for disabled young people and what they think needs to change.”

Young people can get involved in the campaign by posting stories and images about the everyday barriers and issues that disable them on their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts using the hashtag #OurInclusiveScotland - Inclusion Scotland will repost these posts and information about the campaign

If people want to share their story anonymously they can e-mail Rhona at [email protected] or call 0131 281 0860.