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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

A letter of love to the sector

This opinion piece is about 4 years old

George Thomson reflects on his career in the voluntary sector as he announces his retirement

Dear friends,

I’ve decided to retire as chief executive of Volunteer Scotland at the end of March after 19 years, and my heart  directed me to write you a letter of love.

My career passion is a simple one: to assist citizens to participate in volunteering and make a difference. It’s been a wonderful privilege to live out my passion and to have seen the many, many people who have  brought  joy with their humanity, wisdom and care for others. The experience of the pandemic has shown our collective strength and  reminded us of the importance of community.

There’s nothing more vital to me than people coming together, understanding the world through dialogue, and acting with trust and shared purpose. Shared purpose that tackles not just urgent needs, but also seeks to change the system for the better.

I’m enormously thankful for all the camaraderie and friendship I’ve received at Volunteer Scotland, and can genuinely say that the organisation is in fine fettle ( the best time to move on). Alan Stevenson my interim successor will do a brilliant job, and I wish him well and every success. The fantastic support of the Scottish Government over the years is especially appreciated by me, as it has also invested in the space for experiment and innovation that’s essential for bringing about a shared vision for volunteer growth and inclusion.

Where’s my love to the sector?  My first job was in 1982 with SCSS ( later renamed as SCVO) as the organising secretary of Aberdeen Voluntary Organisations Centre, and I've had an unbroken relationship with you since then. There are many memories flooding in, however, these are washed away by the shock of the untimely death of Ian Findlay, chief officer of Paths for All. Ian epitomised the very best of my experience of the voluntary sector in Scotland, and I’m so grateful to him. Thankfully, I took the opportunity to say this directly and personally to him when we met in Jubilee House, Stirling around a year ago.

In that spirit, I want to thank you with all my heart for your collective inspiration and dedication to the common good, and to wish you the best for the future. Whatever unfolds for me ahead, I  will always wish to reciprocate your generosity and perseverance that I’ve experienced these 40 years.

I’ll be continuing as chair of the  bid team  to bring the IAVE World Volunteer Conference to Glasgow 1 to 4 May 2023. So as my role as CEO comes to an end, a new path opens,  and I hope to see you along the way.



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Margaret Hindmarsh
about 4 years ago

George has been a kind, caring leader for the sector, he would have a welcome for the newbies at meetings/conferences. he set a great example to all in the voluntary sector.

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